At Noahs place•

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[Mike's POV] I carried Noah inside bc I'm not letting him walk "u just refuse to let me walk huh" he said with a tad of frustration in his voice, I smiled "yup" he sighed "well at least take me to my room so I can lay down" he rolled his eyes after saying that and I nodded and started walking upstairs "that's what I was planning on" I said with a small laugh "good" he said. I carried Noah upstairs and laid him on his bed then he pulled me onto his bed and I blushed a little.

[Noah POV] I looked at him noticing how close he was to me, I did pull him pretty close, but I didn't care 'no ones around... maybe I could just... get a quick kiss... no I shouldn't' I wanted to kiss him but I knew doing that would be wrong of me so I resisted. I kept holding him as I thought to myself about this whole situation I got myself stuck in, it was quite funny when I thought about it, how I ended up here and everything.

[Mike's POV] 'God stop being a pussy and just do it' I told myself, I hesitated for a moment and then leaned forward a bit, not enough to kiss him but closer to him, to act innocent 🎀 I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes as I thought, 'stop being a pussy Micheal it's not that hard' I told myself again 'just do it' I opened my eyes and looked up at him, he looked to be thinking about something so I took the chance and did it, I quickly leaned forward and kissed him.

[Noah's POV] the moment I felt his lips against mine I blushed 'oh... my.. God no this is a dream this can't be true.... whatever even if it is I can at least kiss him' I kissed back and leaned forward as well, he looked shocked and wrapped his arms around me I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pushed me down onto the bed still kissing me I pulled away for a moment and smiled before kissing him again, it was like a dream come true, it was weird though, I wasn't supposed to like this and I knew it.. but I just couldn't help myself as I giggled and kissed him again

[Mike's POV] I pulled away and looked at him and smiled, he was adorable, all red and giddy, he hugged me tightly and I hugged him back, he gets like this sometimes, all happy and giddy when he gets his way like this, its pretty cute if I'm being honest, I kissed him again before laying my head back onto his chest and closing my eyes, I wasn't planning on sleeping but he was comfortable so I decided to stay in this position. I smiled a bit and quickly glanced up at Noah who was still blushing and smiling, I closed my eyes again and decided to stay like this for a while, just cuddling with Noah.

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