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[Noah's POV] I sat down with my friends like I always do "hey Noah glad u can finally talk to us" Christy one of my best friends said "yeah took u long enough" said Jason "sorry I got distracted" I giggled a bit "with what Michael" Jackson said ".. what about mike.." "what did he do!?" Christy said raising her voice "what nothing calm down-" "I'll beat his ass!" Christy said "second that!" Jason said "no tf calm down there's not need... it's actually more about me anyway" they went silent before Christy spoke up "alright what is it" ".... well....." God I can't believe I'm about to say this "... I think... THINK... I might be.... might be getting feelings.... for Mike... like... well.... u guys know what I mean...."

Then was a short pause then "really!?" Said Christy "whoa hold up what" said Jason "back up what!?" Jason said "I-I don't know... it could just be hormones making me think I like him when I don't.... bc there's no way I could be gay... right" "well Noah u know thats very posable" Christy said with a small smile "but I'm dating... I'm dating Ava... a-and my father would kill me if I were to break up with her.... especially to date a boy...." she sighed "well do u get like flustered and shit around him or-" Jason said "like Jacob gets around Tyler" Tyler is one of my longest friends but sometimes at school he hangs out with other kids and he isn't sitting with us today soo "shut up Jackson" Jason said "but anyways Noah answer the question"

".... earlier in 2nd hour I was kinda blushing a bit when looking at him.... or thinking about him... but again it's probably just hormones" he rolled his eyes "dude u don't just blush around ppl for no reason" ".... but he's my friend" I said "sounds like u like him more then just a friend to me" she was right but I couldn't say that I can't date him so I just didnt say anything "but it's not like being gay is a bad thing" Christy said smiling "yeah don't stress urself out over it" Jason said "but again it's probably just hormones" I said but they didn't really look happy

Jason sighed "well if it isn't then we'll support u... u know that right" I nodded "yeah I know" Jackson smiled "good" then I seen Ava come over "hey babe" she kissed my cheek "oh hey" I said trying not to sound annoyed I don't like her "... uh so can we talk.... alone.. plz" I got up "sure" she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the lunchroom "so what is it" she took a deep breath then said "we gotta break up" "oh" I said trying to look sad "why" she sighed "this just isn't working out I'm sorry" "no it's okay I mean I was probably gonna break-" shit I slipped up "oh well what was gonna be ur reason" I sighed "same as urs.." I didn't wanna tell her anything "u like Michael don't u" she said "what no im not "hm okay" she then walked away without saying anything more and I went back to the lunchroom

I went over to my friends and sat down "we broke up" "oh sorry about that" Christy said "no it's okay" I said still trying to look sad "she's happier now" there was some silence then "alright" Jackson said and that was that

"Its Just Hormones...." {Boy×boy}Where stories live. Discover now