In class•

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[Noah's POV] I walked into the classroom and sat down like I normally do. I looked up at the clock on the wall '7:20:' class started in 10 minutes, I got my notebook, folder, pencil case and water bottle out onto the desk and set up in the right corner before I laid my head down till the bell rang, I still have time before class started so I decided to try and get a small nap in before then.

[Mike's pov] I came into class and sat next to Noah, looking at the clock and seeing '7:25' 5 minutes before the bell, I made good timing for once "hey sorry it took a bit longer than expected." I said with a small smile."No, it's fine, don't worry about it." He said. He also smiled and looked back ahead of him, I nodded. "Alright"

-30 minute time skip-

[Noah's POV] I was looking at Mike thinking to myself, damn he's hot like that, the way he's sitting is just perfection.... wait, hold up, I'm not gay I have a girlfriend, I can't like boys while dating a girl.... but his pretty eyes with his gorgeous brown hair God he's so handsome.... Okay that's enough I gotta stop. Father would never approve of this, but I dont really care what he thinks all that much... I looked away from Mike, trying to force on my school work, which is nearly impossible to do with his hot ass directly next to me

-10 minutes later time skip-

[Noah's POV] I lay my head down and look over at mike, why can't I fucking focus?? I took my meds like I do every morning I thought to myself, but I can't help but be distracted by him, against my better judgement I look back over at Mike and blushed a bit, would it be weird if I kissed Mike in the bathroom after 1st hour or hell literally anywhere at this point, I don't give a damn about privacy anymore... you know, maybe I should ask Mike about the whole gay thing, I believe he's gay right??? Doesn't matter tho bc I'm not even gay I'm definitely not gay no no, no.... he's my best friend, that's all... A best friend that I wanna kiss and hold at night and spend my life with... a best friend but I want him to be more then just my best friend I like him more then tha- I hit his head on the table out of frustration, a bad move bc Mike looks over at me concerned NO NO STOP STOP UR NOT GAY U FUCKING ASSHOLE I shout to myself in my head. I made the mistake of glancing up and seeing Mike's worried expression and now I feel guilty. I quietly tell him I'm okay and not to worry about me, that I didn't mean it and it was just spare of the moment frustration, he nodded but didn't seem all that convinced though.

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