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[Mike's pov] im sitting on the bleachers stareing at Noah blushing, God he's hot.... wonder what would happen if I were to walk up to him and kiss him.... but he probably would hate me if I were to do that... he also has a girlfriend so just walking up to him and kissing him would be wrong... but he's just so handsome I leaned back and closed my eyes I just want one kiss... one kiss is all I want from him... u know I'm going over to his place after school today... maybe I can kiss him then... none of his friends will be around to see and I can get that kiss.... but if he ends up not liking it.... and if my dad finds out he'll kill me for sure... but I don't care it'll be worth it... but what if that makes Noah uncomfortable and he doesn't wanna be my friend anymore.... maybe I should just ask one of his friends if they know so then I'll know if I should kiss him or not... I'll ask one of them after gym

Then he came over and sat down next to me and looked at his ankle I opened my eyes and looks at him "... u okay" I said "yeah... just hurt my ankle" im pretty concerned now "wait how"  I moved Noah and pulled his leg onto the bleachers and looked at his ankle "... yeah its at least sprained" "I was just running and got tripped and fell... but yeah I know it hurts like hell too" "is there anything I can get u that might help I don't want u in pain... and who tripped u" I said "Luke" I looked over at him "I'm gonna beat his ass" then I looked back at Noah "but really is there anything I can get for u I don't want u hurting" he smiled a bit "no it's fine"

I kinda just ignored what he said "maybe u should have ur mom come pick u up so u don't have to put pressure on it all day" "I'm fine really" then the teacher came over "everything alright over here" noah sighed "yeah just hurt my ankle" thr teacher looked a bit concerned "oh u should probably go down to the office then so u can get some ice or call home" noah shock his head "no no I'm fine" I smiled "that's a great idea" Noah looked at me dumbfounded "no I'm fine but I ignored him and picked him up anyways

[Noahs POV] I sighed I'm not getting out of this so might as well take advantage of it I thought to myself I wrapped my arms around Mike and lays my head on Mike's shoulder and  smiled blushing a bit "u sure u can carry him down to the office" the teacher said then mike smiled "yep" "alright then" the teacher said and he walked away then mike looked at me and smiled and started walking to the office

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