The next night•

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Noah's POV- I was still thinking about the date we had last night. I loved every part of it.
I wanted to go on another date with him, but I don't wanna rush anything, I guess, but I just couldn't stop thinking about it... that aside, though, it was 2 in the morning, and I was still up. I put my phone down and went over to my bathroom and took my contacts out before going back to bed and curling up under the blankets and trying to fall asleep.
I always had trouble falling asleep sense "the incident" happened so I would use certain things to try and get me to sleep, even when I was holding my stuffed bunny and had a small night light in the corner of my room it still didn't work sometimes, regardless of my age but when Mike was over it was always easier to fall asleep I don't know what it is but him holding me always makes me fall asleep faster maybe it's bc he makes me feel safe or being held is a big comfort for me either way I absolutely love it.
I also always sleep when he's over unless we were both up all night doing something, and in that case, we just fall asleep the next morning, spooning each other it's really the only time I get a proper night of sleep so I look forward to those nights he comes over.
He actually doesn't even know about me sleeping with a night light or a stuffed animal I believe I mean he knows a have an obsession with stuffys but I don't think he knows I sleep with one.
My dad gave it to me when I was a  baby, and it's always been really special to me even tho it's clearly old and loved... my older brother also gave me a stuffy when I was little too, but I never really loved it as much as I should. I hate my brother to be honest, he abandoned me and my sister when we were little knowing what would happen to us not just that but my parents always trys to justify what stupid decisions he makes with <he went through a lot> or <give ur brother a break he's been through so much> or <he was and still is traumatized and scared> its bullshit I went through everything he went through but to my parents my trauma isn't valid or something they do a similar thing with my sister but she always realizes her mistakes and owns up to them she doesn't let my parents use her trauma as an excuse for everything wrong she does unlike my brother who just allows them to do it hell I'm sure hes even allowed to get the help he needs unlike me and Nora who are now getting help behind their backs bc they don't want "the public to find out" which is absolute bullshit

[Noah eventually fell asleep about an hour later and slept the rest of the night]

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