Chapter 4

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Kai couldn't sleep. It wasn't that uncommon; she liked to think at night. It was calming. Kai just kept thinking about all the possibilities of what could have happened to Sophie and Fitz.  Why would they want to keep it a secret? Even with her mind running with all the possibilities, Kai finally fell asleep.


"Here!" Kai's mom yelled. She tossed a box of prattles at Kai, who had just woken up. Kai looked at her mom; she was already dressed with her hair and makeup done. She was an emissary, and the nobility had definitely gone to her head.

"Mom! This is not a breakfast!" Kai yelled at her as she went to the leap master. Her mom rolled her eyes, she was visibly annoyed.

"Sorry, I have to go," Her mom said with no sympathy. "Eternala," she said and leaped away. Kai stood there for a minute, glaring at where her mom left.

"Aaaaghhh!" Kai screamed. She hated her life, and she hated her mom! Kai made her way back to the kitchen to find anything better.

"A butter blast sounds good," She murmured to herself. Unfortunately, Kai was out of butter blasts in her stash, so she rummaged in the kitchen to find one. 

She didn't find one. 

She decided to head upstairs to her bedroom and get ready. Kai showered as quickly as she could, and then put on her school uniform. Kai hated how the red uniform matched the red on the tips of her hair. She liked red, but that's not exactly why she dyed it. She dyed it red because of her dad. Kai and her dad's favorite color was red; when she was younger she would only draw with red crayons. Plus, her mom hated it. Kai didn't need to grab her stuff, she was a conjurer. She would just conjure it into her locker. It was one of the plus sides of being a conjurer.

"Foxfire," She yelled to the Leap master. The light carried her to school and as she arrived, Kai was immediately greeted by the only person she wanted to see.

"Kai! How's it going!?" Amaira asked; she had her dark hair in two French braids today.

"Good, just a little hungry," Kai replied. Amaria was one of the only people who knew how her mom was. 

"Here, I have some extra butter blasts!" She said. She dug a container out of her bag and handed it to Kai.

"Thank you!" She opened the container and started eating one. 

Amaira always brought extra just in case, which Kai was always grateful for. They walked into morning announcements chatting. Kai had considered telling Amaira about what happened yesterday, but she didn't. She trusted Amaira; she was just worried Elwin wouldn't trust her.

"Kai! There you are!" Someone shouted at Kai from behind her.

"Gemma!!" Kai ran over to give her a hug.

"How is your leg doing?" Kai asked. Gemma had broken her leg badly playing base quest; she is very competitive. Gemma is Kai's cousin from her dad's side; she is definitely her favorite cousin. They knew each other like best friends.

"Okay, students! I have some announcements!" Magnate Leto announced before Gemma could reply. The place quieted as students turned to listen.

"I wonder what he says today!" Amaira whispered to Kai. Kai rolled her eyes. Amaria thinks that Magnate Leto is mysterious and has too many secrets. She says he leaves too much; and that no one knows where he goes. She didn't know why she cared what he did in his free time.

"Today, the bramble team will not be playing; they have a player down. It will be rescheduled to next week." Magnate Leto continued. "And please, whoever keeps putting imps inside my office, stop it! I will find out who you are!" All the kids burst into laughter, and many looked at Keefe Sencen. 

Keefe didn't look himself today, Kai guessed something with Sophie Foster, but she didn't know for sure. 

"That's all thank you!" Magnate Leto finished. He disappeared and all the students started to move up to their classes. Kai said goodbye to her friend and cousin and trudged up to her vanishing class. This was Kai's favorite class, she could practice moving fast while invisible. Her teacher was the best, Miss Allegra.

"Okay, Kai; today you'll be vanishing partly," Miss Allegra told her. 

Kai had already mastered this, so today would be easy. She made her top half disappear with ease. Miss Allegra smiled, "Good job!"

She started the lesson, and for the rest of the time, Miss Allegra would leave a small part of her body visible. Kai would have to copy.

"Wow, you got it quick!" Miss Allegra said, "Great job today Kai, you really are one of the most talented vanishers I've taught,"

Kai felt so grateful to have such a great teacher. 


Lunchtime came quickly to Kai and she walked up with Kasi to her friends."Heyyyy," Asher said when he saw us.

"Heyyyy, back," Kai said laughing. He smiled brightly when she sat next to him. Kasi went and sat by Zayne. I smiled at Gracelyn, who was eating lunch with us again. 

Sophie's group walked in soon after, and again the room quieted slighty. Today Kai didn't look at Marella; she didn't even turn her head. Kai turned partially invisible while trying not to look. She knew that Marella was happier, she always had been happier with Sophie. Even after she left, Marella still forgave her. It hurt that Marella wouldn't forgive Kai.

"So are you guys still up to come over to my place later today?" Kai asked the girls to get Marella off her mind.

"Will your mom be home?" Kasi asked. Kai tried not to flinch, she knew that her mom was mean, but she had no idea the extent. Only Amaria knew. 

"Definitely not; she gets home late on Wednesdays" Kai answered.

"Yes," Amaria, Kasi, and Gracelyn said at the same time. Kai laughed and the others joined in. It was our first time hanging out with Gracelyn outside of school.

"I am invited right?" Asher said with a fake pout. Kai laughed

"No, you're not," Kai said, flicking her hair over her shoulder and sticking her tongue out at him. He scrunched his nose and rolled his eyes.

"Don't feel bad man, I got kicked out of my own room a few days ago by Kasi and Amaira, remember?" Zayne said. Kai remembered that Amaira smiled at the memory.

"Ahh, yes what a fun day," She said. She had a glint in her eyes that worried Kai about what would happen at her house. Asher started laughing.

"Oh yeah, they even forgot to get Kai in there. She was stuck out with us," He laughed. That was true and funny. Kai had banged on the door for them to let her in, the boys were planning pranks and they thought she'd been in on it. Kai giggled at the memory

"Pleeeeeeeeeease can we come tooooooo?" Asher begged.

"Pleeeeeese?" Zayne joined in. They were both doing puppy dog eyes and that only made Kai laugh even more. She looked at the girls, and Amaira shrugged. Kasi thought about it for a second.

"Fine, I'm good if they come," She said. She glanced at Gracelyn,

"Yeah, sounds good!" She said with enthusiasm. Kai was happy they had a new friend. 

"YES!" Asher pumped his fist in the air. "Points to the boys," 

"Oh shut up were the ones who let you come," Kai scoffed. 

"Yeah but were the ones who convinced you to let us come," Zayne said. Kai had to laugh at that. 


This part is basically my interpretation of what normal life for an elf is, which Sophie will never have. 

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