Chapter 1

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The halls felt colder than usual as Kai walked down to lunch. She knew something was wrong; actually, everyone knew. Bianna and Keefe's hasty explanations of where the famous Sophie Foster and Fitz Vacker were weren't convincing. Although Bianna tried to convince everyone otherwise, rumors still spread. Kai had seen Sophie before, but she never talked to her. Sophie Foster was incredible, with four talents. Four talents, that never happens. What interested Kai most about Sophie Foster was her eyes; they were different.

"Kai, come on," A voice said, cutting into her thoughts. She looked ahead and saw her best friend. Amaira was as striking as ever, her dark skin contrasting against her bright red uniform. She followed Amaria to their usual spot. Her friends Kasi and Zayne were already sitting there.

"Hey, how's it going?" Kasi asked her as they sat down.

"Good, but it feels kind of weird here," Amaira answered. Kai agreed the air felt heavier.

"I know that Alvar is a Vacker, but don't you think he still deserves more for what he's done?" Zayne said quietly. Kai agreed the Neverseen were horrible, but she also knew they didn't know everything about the situation.

"Yeah," is all Kai managed to say before the cafeteria quieted. Bianna, Dex, Tam, Linh, and Marella walked in. It wasn't completely silent, but most of the prodigies' eyes were watching them as they sat down to eat. Kai's eyes automatically went to Marella. Marella had been Kai's friend; they had been pretty close. Before Sophie came to the lost cities, she and Marella had a big fight, and people knew about it. Kai could barely look at Marella anymore. At least she still had Amaira.

"Lost in your thoughts again?" someone said to her. She looked up at the boy smiling at her.

"Haha," Kai said, pulling away. Brison was an empath, and a strong one. He was one of the friends she met during her lonely times when she lost Marella. Brison had light brown hair and sky-blue eyes.

Kai snapped her fingers and conjured a piece of Mallowment from her stash at home. Mallowmelt always made her feel better.

"I knew it!" a voice said from behind her. There was Asher. He had been trying to prove that she didn't have a secret stash of treats. Which she totally did. 

"I knew you had a secret stash of treats," he sauntered over; and tried to grab Kai's piece, but she slapped his hand away. 

"No, that is not for you!" Kai said, but she regretted it when he splashed her with water, and at that point, everyone was laughing.

"Ha Ha, you're so funny," Kai gushed in a silly tone. He waved his hand and all the water misted off of her. Kai punched him in the arm. Thankfully he didn't splash her again. Asher and Kai liked to prank each other, Asher thinks he's winning, but he's wrong. 

"That's what's so great about me!" he said, sitting down beside her, grinning. Kasi's eyes glared for a second, but they flickered away just as quickly.

 Kai pretended not to notice. Just like she pretended not to notice when her eyes almost screamed jealousy. Asher was one of Kai's loyalist friends, and no matter how much she denied it, he was very close to her. Asher has strawberry-blonde hair and ocean-blue eyes. As much as Kai hated it, she knew that he was pretty good-looking. She wouldn't ever tell anyone that, but it was true. 

Kai felt the blush creep into her cheeks, she was beginning to think that she had a crush on him.

"Did Kai leave?" Zayne asked, but his voice was obviously joking. He was sitting next to her, and before she could answer he slapped his hand where she was now invisible. 

"Ow, why do you do it so hard each time?" Kai whined jokingly. Sometimes when she is embarrassed Kai turns invisible with her vanisher powers.

"Well folks there's the answer," Zayne said in an announcer's voice. Everyone laughed and Kai rolled her eyes. 

Kai slowly ate her piece of Mallowmelt, when a girl walked up to them. She looked a bit shy and hesitant to walk over. Kai wondered what she wanted, or if she needed a friend. Kai always made sure that their group is always open to anyone. It started with just Kai, Amaira, and Asher. Then Zayne, Bricen, and Kasi joined. Many people came over to eat lunch with us, we liked to welcome newcomers, unlike the Moonlark group.

They were the almighty popular kids... annoying? Very! Sophie didn't usually talk to many other kids, but Kai knew that no one talked to her her first year anyway. Still, it seemed rude to Kai. 

Kai has always regretted never at least introducing herself to Sophie, she seemed nice then and definitely needed a friend. Kai's old friends convinced her not to say hi, and she regretted ever listening to Stina Heks's minions. 

"Oh, there you are. I have been waiting for you," Kasi said to the girl, interrupting Kai's internal hate monologue. Kasi looked like she was happy the girl actually showed up. 

"This is Gracelyn," she told them. Gracelyn was very pretty; her soft brown hair swooped in natural waves. Her eyes were striking, almost an azure blue, almost reminded her of Councillor Oralie.

"Hi, I'm Kai," she replied.

"I'm Brison," Brison said, holding his hand out for her to shake it. 

I'm Amira," Amaira said shaking Gracelyn's hand. They all looked at Asher to introduce himself who was staring off into space. 

"That is Asher," Amira continued when Asher said nothing.

"He is rude, self-absorbed, annoying, and acts like a gremlin," She said. The last one snapped him out of his daze.

"Hey! I do not!" He said, Zayne snickered and made it snow around him. Zayne was a froster, so he could do that. Asher threw his hands up in the air. He was still smiling, though.

"Sorry, I'm Asher," He says. 

Gracelyn laughs at the group's antics and sits down on the other side of Kasi. Kai watched her as they finished lunch, she seemed really nice, but Kasi was acting strange. She was super protective, she didn't leave her side. 

Soon the bell rang and Kai didn't have time to ask Kasi what was going on, she said bye to her friends and headed to her history class.

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