Uh- Pasta?

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The only person that can do the impossible of making me get out of bed: my mum.

What time is it anyways? I bet mom is overreacting again. I rub my eyes and check the time: 7:34
See it's only 7:34- IT'S 7:34 ALREADY?! OH MY FUCK I NEED TO HURRY UP!!

I hop off my bed and run downstairs slipping two times. Motherfucking socks.

I get into the kitchen to get breakfast, hmmm a nice oatmeal with strawberries...

"Finally Eleanor! I've been calling you for half an hour now!" My thoughts get interrupted by my mom's morning joy. I'm being sarcastic btw. I honestly don't understand how she even has energy to do so much in the mornings.

"Yeah, and your alarms have been going off for an hour now. Why do you even put them if you're always gonna be late?" This bitch-

"Oh I'm sorry Lily! Not all of us are able to get up with one alarm." I roll my eyes and finish eating my food.

Milo, my dog, is staring at me to give him the last strawberry. I can't say no and give in. I throw it at him and pet his head.

I run upstairs and put on an outfit together quickly.


I take a glance in the mirror

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I take a glance in the mirror. "Good enough..." I whisper to myself. "Oh come on El don't get nervous now, you're gonna do just fine this school year." I comfort myself.

Suddenly I hear a knock at the door.

"You can come in." I try to look busy. I don't know why but I always have this anxiety that I don't like when people catch me doing nothing.

"Hey, I just wanted to ask if I could borrow your black jacket?" Lily slowly opens the door.

"Sure." I hand it to her. "Did you use my gloss?" I ask.

"Yeah?" I nod and she heads out of my room.

Guess who's going to be late for her first day in a new school? Me bitch.

We had to move states since mom wasn't doing so well, job wise, back in Kentucky. I didn't get to meet lots of people back there since we had just got back from our summer trip to Greece. I wasn't too sad about the moving, my sister on the other hand had lots of friends and it was really hard on her. I think she's getting over it by now though.

I run to put on my shoes and grab my backpack saying bye to Milo and my kitty, Daisy.

"BYE MOM! BYE LILY! Τα λέμε σύντομα!" I shout from the front door.
Translation: See you sson!



I check the time and 10 minutes have gone by. I'm so late. I have my timetable already, I just need to know where the classroom is... great, no big deal!

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now