I hate birds.

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Guess who woke up late again? Me.

Look, I don't do it on purpose, but it's like my body is glued to the fucking sheets. And then once I'm about to get up I get in the most comfortable position ever.

I didn't have time to eat so now I'm getting tortured in Italian trying to understand shit while my belly growls every five fucking minutes.

"Ok, here's your worksheet." Mr. Adam hands the papers to each desk. "You'll need to work in pairs for this one and make a dialogue."

"Oh shit." I sigh. Kaden looks at me from his lounged position. His back against the chair, his arms behind his head and the hoodie covering his hair only letting out the ends on the top of the head.

Why do I want to touch them?

"After making the dialogue each pair will have to present it to the class."

"Does it need to be in Italian?" Some guy asks in genuine confusion.

Mr. Adam pinches the bridge of his nose. "Yes of course it needs to be in Italian." He sighs.

The kid scoffs and goes back to his sleeping position.

The bell rings making everyone jump on their feet and hurry out of the class.

"This is due next week guys!! Work hard!" Mr. Adam tries to say through the chaos and noise going on.

"Heyyy Kady-booooo." I grab his forearm and put his arm around my shoulder.

"What?" He takes his arm back.

"Oh no need to be so nice!" I roll my eyes but then remember I needed a favor sooo...

"So I was wondering...
whatifyoudidthatitalianworkwithme?" I say in one go.

"Speak up."

I grunt in frustration, I genuinely hate asking people for stuff.

"What if you did that Italian work with me?" He stops walking and looks down at me.

Sometimes I forget how tall he is.

"You know you don't have to do it, I was just asking 'cause I don't think Landon would be a good idea-"

"Sure." He deadpans.

"Sure?" I look up at him and my starving stomach makes another noise. He probably heard every single one of them during class.

"Yeah, if you'll shut up." Oh my god, this is the nicest thing he's ever said to me.

"Thank you!" I blow him a kiss. "I promise I'll try, and you won't be doing the work alone."


"And the teacher barged in and started yelling! I had to cover my face or else I would have started laughing so hard that literal shit would come out of me."

"Ew that's gross Finn, don't say that." Noah scrunches his face in disgust.

Finn hasn't shut up all lunch because apparently there were kids making out in the bathroom.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now