Nope, nope, nopity no

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It's been a few days since Shayla's party. It wasn't that good of a party, at least from the stuff I remember. You can say I was still a bit tipsy when I woke up, thankfully Kaden's parent's weren't home or else I would've died from embarrasment.

Kaden's party is also all planed out, it's just the actual preparation that's left to do. I can't believe it's tomorrow already.

Because I'm his distraction, I need him to agree to stay with me for some time before going to his place. That's if he'll agree on going to his house.

The bell rings waking me up from my usual day dreaming and Kaden gets up quickly from next to me ruffling my hair and leaving the class.

I grunt and fix it. "Why does he always do that?!"

Olive laughs and holds her phone with the camera on so I can see my hair.

"Don't forget about the plan. Do you know what you're going to do already?"

"I think so, but I'm just scared that he won't agree. I don't even know why you guys picked me to be his distraction when any one of you would be better, since you've known him longer." We start heading to Olive's next class together.

"That's exactly it. He can't say no to you. Also, I think he's got the crushiiieeess." She squeaks.

I roll my eyes at her. "Yeah, no. I don't see anyone going for me. Have you seen me?"

I stop walking and stand there looking at her dumbfounded. She looks me up and down and raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that's exactly why he's got them. Also you're kind of funny. Sometimes."

We keep walking.

I gasp "What do you mean sometimes?"

We laugh and the bell rings exactly when we step foot into her class.

"Byyee gotta run!"

Olive waves me bye and I start speed walking to my class.


"Oh so you've decided to join us miss Ariti." Mr. Adam says as I take a seat in my usual place.

"Sorry I'm late, it won't happen again."

"Eeeh, since you're a good student and you like my jokes I don't really care." He shrugs.

I laugh and sit down next to Kaden. I really like how this class doesn't have a lot of people, it makes it so much more light and easy to follow.

"Where were you?" He asks.

"Fucking some guy on the janitors closet. Why?" I try to keep a straight face while I say that.

He sits up straighter and turns my chair around so I'm facing him.

"Are you serious?" He looks me up and down, maybe trying to find some kind of hint that confirms my statement.

"God no!" I start laughing at the look on his face.

"You should've seen you're face!" I laugh more not even worried about Mr. Adam since no one's doing the work and he doesn't really give a shit either.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now