Gummy bears

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"Hey!" Me and Noah do our handshake.

The group is already sat at the lunch table when me and Kaden get there.

"How was Italian?" Olive asks.

"Eh, I stumbled on a few words in the presentation but it was fine." I shrug.

I honestly thought it would go way worse.

Kaden insisted on staying behind me the whole time we talked in front of class. I don't know why though, but I might need to give him a stress ball because he pratically dragged me to my seat once we were done.

"Hey guys!" A blonde tall girl reaches our table.

My eyes go to Noah. His resting bitch face is even worse now looking at the girl, making me laugh.

"Hi." I say since nobody's answering.

"I wasn't talking to you." She adverts her eyes from me to Finn, Kaden and Noah.

"Damn." I whisper laughing.

"So, I'm hosting a party this Saturday and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come." She winks an eye and touches Finn's arm, chewing her gum.

He slowly takes his arm away from her touch and Olive suddenly looks very shy.

I mean, although she's the talkative of the group, I know she's not that good with confrontation but I didn't know it was that bad.

"Who are you again??" Kaden mumbles leaning back on the chair putting an arm around my sit.

"You don't remember me?" Her confident image breaks for a second, coming back in another.

"I'm Shayla!"

Finn starts laughing earning him a look of death from her.

He coughs and puts a hand over his mouth trying to cover his laugh.

"Doesn't ring a bell." Kaden doesn't even look at her.

She grunts stomping her foot.

"Look if you want to, just come to the freaking party. It's at my place, I'm sure you'll know that." She smirks leaving.

What did she mean by that?

"I'll be back." Kaden leaves answering his phone.

"Perfect time." Noah leans forward.

"For what?" And how can they just move on from what just happened?

"To discuss Kaden's birthday!" The old Olive is back.

"Wha- When is it?" I didn't know his birthday was so soon. He never mentioned it.

"April 1st!"

"Fools day?"

"Yup." Noah takes a sip of his water.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now