Don't tell me to shut up

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I saw an old couple the other day holding hands, they looked wrinkly but happy. Picture worthy.

Dylan 👹: Heyyy, tell me when I can come over

Dylan 👹: and don't forget to send me the address 😈🙀👩🏻‍🦲

So I might have changed her contact because she didn't shut up all week about this movie she wants me to watch and I was annoyed.

She'll never find out though.

Me: You can come around four, here's my address:

I send her a google maps link with my address on it.

"Kit Kat?"

"Yeah?" I shout from my bedroom.

"Daddy wants to speak with you!" He yells back from the living room.

I take a long exaggerated sigh, I swear if it's something else to do with hockey.. It might be my last straw.

I go downstairs and he's sitting on the couch.


"Sit down." He's almost never home so I don't get why he has a say in whatever I do.

It just makes me so mad that I want to punch him in the face because he decided that hockey wasn't enough for me.

Since when does he have a say in that?

I sit next to him leaning my back on the cushions.

"So I saw you scored the final goal yesterday."


I don't say anything. I don't really know what to say, I mean I could shoot him a thousand answers and he would still find a way around it.

So I keep quiet waiting for him to continue and see where this shit goes.

"I wanted to say that if you keep this up, I'll take you out of the team myself. You know I can." He threatens.

I switch my eyes from his to the wall behind him.

10.. 9..8...

"You heard me?"

"Yes." I bite back my answer. "Can I go now?"

He nods and grabs the remote.

I leave and once I get to my room I slam the door shut.

Seriously, I'm sick of this. It isn't the first time he's done something like this. It's like he doesn't get that hockey is my future. I don't see myself doing anything else.

The thrill, the sweat, the cold of the ice.

Hockey is what I love doing and basically the only reason why school isn't that shitty.

I've tried to not give my full self on these games, which is kind of hard knowing I live for this.

But once I'm on the rink I completely change. My focus is on only one thing, winning. And I can't do that if I don't play.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now