Blame it on my period!

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Two weeks have passed since my first day.
Last night I got a text saying I got added into a new groupchat. The guys were in it and Olive created it.

Although I've only known them for so long, I feel like I've known these guys my whole life. I'm still quite shy around them but not as much. At least I'd like to think so.

I've learned that at least one of them are in my classes so I guess that's a good thing.

Right now we're in math class and I've finished all of the work. I hate math but it's so fun when I know what's going on.

"Hey El!" Finn whisper yells at me.

"Yeah?" I don't take my eyes of the doodles I'm making.

"Can I copy your answers?"

"I'm shit at math."

"I don't care. I bet I'm shittier!"

I sigh and give him my notebook and he gives me a hug around the waist. I pet his head and give him a little scratch on the nape of his head.

He goes to do his work and puts his tongue out like copying the answers takes big concentration. That's cute. He's like a 6ft baby.

I look over at Kaden and I see his leg shaking, he must be feeling nervous... Should I ask if there's something bothering him? I get up from my seat and go stand next to him.

"Hi." Why did I come? I swear I have a big issue when it comes to helping people, I always do it no matter who they are.

"What?" He looks up at me and I feel empowered since he's sitting down and I'm taller than him.

"Is everything ok? You seem a bit stressed."

"Everything's fine." He rolls his eyes.

Oh. I'm annoying him, I should go.

"Sorry." I mumble. I go to leave but he grabs the belt loop on the back of my pants and drags me to the same place I was just standing.

If the class wasn't so agitaded this would've been awkward, but everyone is making the assignment in pairs and the teacher is running around trying to help everyone so I guess this is okay.

He sighs. "I'm just stressed cause I don't understand shit. It's not your fault." He keeps his hand on my waist and as he speaks he starts to put pressure and kind of massaging my belly.

At least my belly fat serves as a stress ball to him.

"It's ok, I shouldn't have disturbed you. But if you want I can help. I'm not that good either but you never know." I shrug my shoulders.

"C'è qualcosa che non sai?"
Translation: Is there anything you don't know?

"Yeah." I say firmly.

His eyes open a little more. "Did you understand what I just said?"

"No, I just feel like yes would be a good answer." I laugh.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now