What's your strongest whine?

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"Dylan!" Someone whispers in my ear but I choose to ignore it.

"Dyl-" They kick my chair which wakes me up from my amazing slumber.

"Whaaaatttuuhh!" I whine opening my eyes.

Yeah maybe if I close my eyes veeerrryyy slowwwllyyy they won't notice and I could go back to sleep.

"Miss Ariti, this is not the time nor the place to be having a nap!" Oh shit. I'm actually at school. This is not a dream.

I look around and everyone's looking at me. Some guys laughing at me and other's taking this as an opportunity to go on their phones.

I look at Finn and his covering his mouth trying not to laugh. I send him a sharp look that makes his face drop.

"Sorry, just had a rough night." I look down at my desk to not cause any more trouble.

"Yeah bet you did." Some asshole says from behind me. I look back and it's Landon.

Seriously, this dude has been giving me attitude since the party. He looks like a little boy when they don't get the toy they wanted. Also, it's been two weeks can he get over it already?

And they say girls are dramatic.

"Are you really going back to sleep again?"

"Are you really not going to shut the fuck up?" I look at Kaden and he gives me the middle finger. I blow him a kiss and go back to my nap.

Economics is ass anyway.



"Hey, what's up?" I grab a box from my bag with much difficulty. I almost lost my finger inside this bag once cause I accidently cut it with the zipper. I still have a scar to this day.

"Here." I hand her the box.

"What is it?" She opens it and looks at me with a shocked face.

"Well you were craving cookies and I was craving cookie batter. It seems only fair if we both get what we want."

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She hugs me and takes a bite with no reaction. Why is she doing this to me?

"Also, I made them myself so if they aren't good don't tell me."

"Are you kidding?! They are amazing!" I feel an arm go around my shoulders and I already know it's Noah.

I don't know why he thinks I'm some kind of bench.

"Oh my god! Are those cookies?!?" Finn rips the box out of Olive's hands and goes to take a bite but she slaps him in the balls which makes him crouch.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now