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*An hour before*

"Look man, we need to win next week. No more distractions." Jackson drinks his beer and Finn nods his head agreeing.

"Especially you, if you want to be captain you need to get your priorities straight. What's on your mind lately?" He asks me.

I don't even know if I want to be captain anymore. I've been so fucking tired lately that I don't even feel the thrill when I play.

"I don't know, just been busy. That's it." I take a swing of my beer and look into the crowd in front of me.

"EL!" Finn shouts and sticks up his arm.

As soon as Dylan reaches us her scent fills my nose. She smells so fucking good.

I take another swing of my beer examining her. I don't even know why, she just catches my attention.

Her dress sticking to her body perfectly and making her green eyes darker, if possible.

She sighs "Where is Liv?" She asks Finn.

"She might be dancing, she loves it. You look really good by the way! Your hair looks shiny."

I subconsciously clench my jaw at his compliment. It does look shiny but he doesn't have to say it. It's not like I'm jealous or anything. Quite the contrary, I just think that was a fucking embarassing thing to say.

"Thank you! You don't look too bad yourself."

"Who's this?" Jackson asks pointing at Dylan.

"This is El guys! El meet some of the hockey team!" Finn introduces her and they all look at the short girl in front of them.

She drops her jaw in shock. "You're on the hockey team?"

"Yeah, me and Kaden. Oh there's Olive."

"Bye!" She quickly goes out of view.

"You need to be more discreet." Finn takes a random bottle from the counter. I'm definitely carrying him to bed tonight.

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't take your eyes off of her the whole time."

"Fuck off." I flip him off and we continue talking about the hockey practices.


"BODY SHOTS!" Someone yells.

There were less people inside now. Some already on their way home and others on the pool.

"Ooohh let's go let's go!" Finn grabs my arm and Noah's and pulls us into the forming crowd.

"Damn Eleanor is going." Noah says and it catches my attention.

We make our way closer to her and she's already lying down.

"Alright, who's the lucky guy? Or girl?" The guy behind the table asks.

Landon rubs his hands together next to me and licks his lips as he moves forward.

"Oh hell nah! Not him!" A blonde chick tries to interviene.

I put myself in front of him and push him back with one hand. There's no way I'm letting this dickhead near her.

"What the fuck man?" Landon stumbles on his feet.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now