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"Stop it. I'm warning you dickhead." I point my finger at Finn and give him a strict look.

"It's just so funny how you absolutely freak out just because you're ticklish." He laughs.

"Do you wanna know what else is funny?"

"Of course!"

"My elbow on your dick. Now, let me focus!" I roll my eyes and catch Kaden laughing from the side.

Finn puts his hands up in surrender and continues to do his work.


"Guys clean out your schedule. We have plans for the weekend." Noah shows his phone so we can see what she's talking about.

Someone named Lucas texted him inviting him to a party.

"Unfortunately, Landon is throwing it." He rolls his eyes "But we can just ignore him, plus how much do you wanna bet Erika will be all over him all night."

"Who's Erika?" I ask filling my mouth with more food.

"This bitch who we've known since freshman year. She's a total pain in the ass." Olive joins in.

"Yeah, last year she wouldn't let go of Kaden and then when he finally shut her off, she went after me. Like I'd give her a chance." Finn scoffs.

"Anyways, are we going to this party or what?"

"Oh I'm going and so are you El. Your first Landon party has to be with me!" Finn says as Olive shakes her head in disappointment.

"Although he's an ass, his parties are crazy!"

"Count us in." Noah puts his arm over me and Olive since his sitting in between us.

"I'm so excited!! I haven't got wasted in ages!" Finn says emphasizing the word ages.

"You literally called me at four a.m. last week drunk out of your ass to go pick you up. How you haven't got in a car crash is a mystery!" Olive picks up her plate and we all follow behind.


Today was fun, classes went by quickly and I'm excited for tomorrow. I've been to parties before but never to one's like Landon's. Assuming that Finn's description wasn't totally exaggerated.

"Hey mum, do you think I can go to this party tomorrow?"

"Who's going?"

"Well me, Olive, Kaden, Finn and Noah. Also some more people from school of course, but I'll probably not talk to anyone besides them."

"Sure, as long as you're careful and text me updates on how it's going. If you need me to pick you up just call me."

Well that's awfully nice of her.

"Can you go tell your sister to come eat?" She asks putting down the salad.

"LIILLYYYYY!!!" I scream from the kitchen.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now