You ready to swim boys?

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I wanna get blackout drunk. I haven't enjoyed myself in quite some time so I think I deserve a little break.

After me and Kaden spoke, everything was okay. We both hugged and I honestly didn't think I was gonna get so emotional but the look of surprise in his face when I said I was proud of him, it just tore my heart.

Right now we're eating and everyone is talking and enjoying themselves. I wanna go swimming so bad.

"Anyone going to the lake later?" I ask.

"Me and Kaden were thinking on going." Finn puts his arm over Kaden's shoulder and Kaden glares at him.

"Great, 'cause I'm kind of scared in case of any fish or something." It's true, I like fishes but they also scare me.

We finish eating and clean up our mess. We brought some alcohol with us that Finn got some how. I don't want to know.

Oh my god I really want to paint my nails. And toe nails. Thank you Eleanor from the past for bringing some nail polish.

"Olive, Jackie follow me." I wiggle my eyebrows and they laugh, following me to the room.

"Let's paint our nails" I say clapping my heads together.

"Oooh sounds like fun, I'll paint your toes while you paint your nails." Olive says, choosing between white or a really light lavender.

"And I'll paint your toe nails while you do it to El!" Jackie cheers. I love this. I would paint Jackie's but she already has hers done.

I'm quite the professional if I say so myself. Been painting my nails since third grade and I used to force Lily to be my guinea pig.

"Sooo, how are things between you and Lydia??" I coo at Olive.

"Who's Lydia?" Jackie furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"This girl I've been talking to for some time... Everything's cool." Olive says shyly.

"Aw come on now, give us the dits!" What? I'm a very curious person.

"Fine!" She claps her hands together excitedly.

We ended up talking for more time than intended but it felt amazing to just be with them. It seems like Lydia and Olive are getting quite serious. I'm the biggest Olidia supporter. Or whatever. I need to get a better ship name.


"You ready to swim boys?" I ask the three tall man on the couch but don't get an answer back.

"Fine, guess I'll just go by myself then, dicks." I roll my eyes and Noah flips me the most alien looking middle finger I've ever seen and I actually have to take deep breaths so I don't puke.

The sliding door that leads outside is already open letting the warm breeze in. I step outside and take off my big t-shirt revelling my new bikini. It's black and the top is kind of small but I forgot to return it so I'll just have to deal with it.

I used to be so insecure about my body before, until I realised it's just the vessel for my soul. There are so many other things to worry about, am I really going to waste my energy in worrying about how I look like? Fuck no.

I reach the end of the dock and dip my toes in the water. It's so fucking cold, although it's hot outside it's not exactly boiling hot.

Suddenly I feel my life flash before my eyes when I'm not on the dock anymore but falling onto the water. I scream and brace for the cold impact. Once I'm underwater I rush for a breath of fresh air.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now