You forgot this.

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It's been a few weeks and April has gone by. Honestly I've been really deep in thoughts lately. Always thinking about the future and what might come but also regretting the past or missing it.

Sometimes I get mad at myself for not really enjoying my time in the present and constantly thinking about my poor choices. But oh well. I am a teenage girl sooo...

"LILY DO YOU HAVE MY WHITE TOP?" I shout from my room.

"WEARING IT RIGHT NOW!!" Fucking hell.

It's Tuesday and my will to leave has already gone down sixty percent. It's hotter than usual so picking an outfit was a struggle. Since I couldn't just throw a sweatshirt on and that's it.

I checked the time and if Olive doesn't arrive in the next five minutes we're going to be fucking late

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I checked the time and if Olive doesn't arrive in the next five minutes we're going to be fucking late. Again.

It's mom's birthday and I gave her a handmade necklace with some seashells from Greece. I have a huge collection so I thought it would be a cute idea.

Mom loved it and put it on right after getting it. Lily gave her a letter and I helped her bake some cookies for mom as well.

I'm glad we found our way back to happiness. After the asshole move my dad pulled, saying mom was a wreck is an understatement.

But she pulled herself together eventually, like the boss ass bitch she is. I think she still gets sad sometimes, looking back at the old photos. But I guess we never actually move on with our losses. Just learn to live with them. Or without them.

A feel my phone buzz from my back pocket and pick it up.

"Hey." Woah, what the fuck happened to her voice?

"What happened to your voice, Liv?"

"It's Kaden, dumbass."

I immediately hang up the phone. Does this dick face really think-

My phone buzzes again.

"What?" I groan.

"Look out your window."

I move the blinds out of my way and see Kaden's car parked by my house.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Olive called me asking to come pick you up since she was going to be late." His voice is still so fucking sleepy.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now