Are you done?

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It's the next morning and we're supposed to leave today quite early.

We've decided we're gonna take two cars. In car number one it's going to be Noah, Olive and me and in car number two it's going to be Kaden, Finn and Jackie.

I'm so excited that I already got dressed and got everything ready to leave. It's a very basic outfit but I need to be comfortable for the car ride or I'll have a fucking panick attack, although I'm wearing jeans but I'll never know when I'll meet my soulmate so...

 It's a very basic outfit but I need to be comfortable for the car ride or I'll have a fucking panick attack, although I'm wearing jeans but I'll never know when I'll meet my soulmate so

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I have no idea what happened yesterday afternoon with Kaden. I got so mad for some reason when I saw my underwear in his hand. I feel bad now, but still quite irritated.

I feel my phone buzz and it's Olive calling me. Mom and Lily have already left so the group decided to meet at my house.


"Hi El, we're all outside- WE'RE HERE BITCH!!" Finn screams into the phone interrupting Liv. He's such a pain in the ass. He's our pain in the ass though.

I head downstairs and say bye to all my pets. I'm gonna miss them the most.

I open the door and take a look at my friends.

Olive is sitting on the floor talking to Noah. Jackie and Finn are having their own little chat while Kaden is leaning on the front of the car, hands in his pockets and- shit. He's looking at me.

I clear my throat to get everyone's attetion and drag my suitcase. "So? Are we ready or what?"

"Lets gooo!" Finn claps his hands.

I put my suitcase in Olive's car boot and go to sit in the backseat when Noah stops me.

"Sorry, there's no space in the backseat. You know.. with all of the backpacks and food and.. stuff." He scratches the nape of his neck.

"Oh-kay..." That's odd. Why don't they want me to go with them? There's obviously space.

I guess there's no choice but to go with the others. Since Finn's driving, him and Jackie are in the front, leaving Kaden in the back.

Thank God I brought stuff with me for the car ride.

I sit on the left side of the car. They are all in there already.

"Yay, El's coming with us. This way I don't have to put up with you all by myself." Jackie laughs.

"Oh no, he's your child now. That's all on you!" I chuckle.

Kaden is looking out the window avoiding to look at me. Olive goes in front of us and Finn follows along.


It's been an hour now and Kaden hasn't talked or looked at me once. Jackie has fallen asleep and Finn is pretty concentrated on the road. The radio isn't playing anything. I thought this car ride was going to be more fun.

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