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It's the next day and I need something to take the edge off.
Can't go ice skating so I do the next big thing. Basketball.

There's a field a few miles from the lake house so I decided to run there.

It's quite early too but I just couldn't sleep. I thought it was getting better but it always comes back worse. I don't know why I can't just hit the fucking pillow and sleep.

This feels nice though. Headphones on, playing frank ocean and alone time away from everything.

There's always a basketball laying around somewhere. I remember some kids last year used to hide it in the bushes.

Found it.

After a while of shooting around I hear loud breathing coming my direction. Finn is laying on the ground struggling to breathe and Noah has his hands on his knees breathing hard.

I don't know how these fuckers do it on the ice.

"Hey buddy!" Finn gets up and grabs the ball from my hands dunking it.

"Wanna play?" Noah asks.

"I was about to leave." Sucks to be them but I can't bless everyone with my presence all the time.

"Aw, come on. We haven't done this in the longest time." Finn pats my back.

He is right... Fuck it.


"Shit-" A faint voice comes from my bathroom.

Suddenly it opens and reveals a very flustered Eleanor.

"What are you doing?" It comes out harsher than I intended.

"Oh, uhm.." He cheeks go pink. Does she remember all of last night? "I needed a towel." She shows the beige towel in her hand.

I nod and she leaves. I find myself almost asking her to stay for some odd reason. Her presence just calms me down.


After the long shower, I feel my eyes start to get droopy but my stomach awakes the rest of me.

"Hey, El just made those amazing cookies. You might want to come before Finn eats everything." Olive hints.

Fuck I could eat an entire plate of those cookies. And more.

I head downstairs and catch everyone arguing in a small circle.

"I can't fucking make more if there are no freaking ingredients, can I?!" Dylan stomps her foot at Noah.

"Can I have one?" I ask and everyone looks at me.
Do they want to get punched?

My stomach growls. "There's none left..." Dylan shows the plate with only a few crumbs.

Well now I don't want to eat anything. I was already thinking of her cookies.

"It's fine." I head to bed with an empty stomach.

I lay down and my eyes start to close slowly until someone, who might have a dead wish, knocks at the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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