Scary women.

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"Kaden?" Fuck my legs hurt. "Pasta boy?" The girl thats under me calls me.

I'm too fucking big to fit in the backseat of the car. At least I got some sleep. I'm so fucking glad that things are okay between me and El again. I couldn't come here while she was mad at me.

Sure it was bad to threaten Noah in case she wasn't in the same car as me...but I simply couldn't deal with being alone with Finn, nevermind stuck in a car with him for three hours.

It's not like I don't like him. Quite the contrary, I would give my fucking life for him, he's helped me through some very hard times. But it's just too insufferable to be three whole hours with him.

"Kit Katttt?" She drags whining. "My legs are numb, and I'm hungry." She starts to poke my cheek.

Jackie starts laughing quietly once she gets Finn to take everything inside by himself. I like her.

Yeah yeah, I've been awake for some time now. So what? El smells like chocolate. Shit.

I'm not entirely sure since when I've started to pay more attention to her, but ever since the party where I had the brilliant idea to do her body shots happened, everytime I get the chance to touch her.. I just.. do it.

"Looks like you're gonna be spending the day stuck there." Jackie says.

El sighs. "Don't say that, you'll manifest it. Bring Finn here so he can awake the beast."

I hear Jackie go away and that's my queue to get up. Finn can go fuck himself.

I turn so I'm lying on my back. I rub my eyes and look at her.

"Morning sleepy head." She smiles. My heart does a fucking backflip for some reason.

"Now get up, we have to go help and enjoy the rest of the day!" Aaaand just like that, it's gone.

I grunt but nevertheless get up and help take her backpack and book. It's the least I can do after she spent the last hour giving me free massages.


"Did it work?" Noah asks while sitting down next to me grabbing the other remote so we can play FIFA.

"You bet your ass it did. You don't have to worry about any embarrassing pics of you being sent to Josh."

The girls are getting ready for dinner in their room. Me and Noah are ready already but Finn lost the bet about me and Eleanor being friends again so he had to be the last one to take a shower.

We're not doing anything fancy but Olive insisted in having an outside dinner. We still need to go cook though.

"Yeah and it should stay that way. Have you imagined how he would react seeing a photo of me naked with puke down my torso?" He scrunches his face.

I chuckle and win the match. I spread my legs apart and rest my back on the couch. This house brings back memories. Not exactly good ones.

This carpet is new. Two years ago wine was spilled all over along with broken glass. I'm just glad Aiden was too young to understand anything that was happening.

I hear shuffling behind me and it's the girls starting to see the recipe.

Me and Noah join them, sitting on the stolls arounf the kitchen island. None of us can cook for shit. One time, me and the guys tried to do a cake for Aiden- it ended up in fucking ashes since it was so burnt.

The only ones that can cook here are Olive and Dylan. I'm yet to discover if Jackie can.

"Are you boys going to sit around the whole time or are you going to help us?" Jackie hits the back of the wooden spoon in her hand making me and Noah get up immediately .

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now