No fucking way...

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I don't know why but seeing her here and hearing her talk about the most random things really calmed me down. Dad somehow always finds a way to stir me up and just gets the worse out of me.

Thank fuck he won't be here today. Or tomorrow. One of the good things from his job, is the time he has to dedicate to it.

Yeah, there's another punch on the wall. And a kick. It's not like I inted to physically do something about my anger, but with him? Very few things get me to actually calm down.

"What happened to your hand?" She grabs it from the gear lever. Fuck.

"Oh uhm-" I clear my throat. Why didn't I come up with an excuse before..

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me. But you should really ice it. Don't worry though, I have some at home." She plays with my fingers looking out the window.

From the many times I've had to drive this girl home, I already know where her house is. She's a bit of a drinker...

"Here we are." I say parking on her street.

"Come in." She says getting out the car.

"Nah, I'm okay." She death stares me and then closes the door, going around the car she opens my door and hoovers over my body to unbuckle my seatbelt.

"You're coming." She starts to take out her keys. Damn, didn't even have a good look of her outfit before. Me eyeing her as I get out the car just reminds me of how many dickheads probably did the same to her in school. I need to punch something again.

"And then snot came out of her nose. Don't tell her I told you this though." She laughs but my silence gives away the fact that I wasn't listening and she suddenly turns around catching me redhanded.

"Were you even listening to me?"

"Yeah.. snot and stuff." She rolls her eyes and goes in her house, me following close to her.

A noise from behind me startles me.

"What the fuck was that?" I ask, my eyes wide, not wanting to look.

"Oh hey Milo!" She goes past me and kneels down petting her dog. Oh.

"You named him Milo?" I scrunch up my nose.

"Yes. You gotta a problem with that?" She asks taking out some ice and putting a cloth around it.

"No ma'am." She hands me it and runs upstairs falling on the fifth stair.

"Don't laugh."

"I wasn't." I chuckle.

"I heard that!" She yells from wherever she is. "You can come in here if you want!"

I let Milo smell my hand and then pet him. I guess the name kind of suits him.

I go up the stairs almost stepping on an orange fluffy ball- it's a fucking cat.

How many pets does she have? And this one's fat.

"Where are you?" I ask once I'm on the hallway.

"In here." She says from her room, I suppose.

My hand starts to freeze too much thanks to the ice, so I take it off. It's not like my hand is in that bad of a shape. It's just red. Maybe a few cuts too- but that doesn't matter.

I go in the room and take it in.

She has a guitar on the floor, a wall filled with posters of bands and movies and photos of her and Liv. Also Milo and the orange cat. There's also a few photos of her and her sister.

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