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It's Friday night and I'm home already. They won the hockey game but I think both Kaden and number 8 left with some kind of punishment, I don't know what though.

Shayla's party is tomorrow, I think Finn and Noah are going. I'm not sure if I should go. She gave us all attittude and Olive didn't seem comfortable around her, I don't wanna go behind her back.

Someone knocks on my door and I put away my journal.


"Hey hun, I'm sorry about today." Mom sits at the edge of the bed.

"It's okay, things happen." I shrug.

"Well..." She starts "I was thinking, and it made me realise that you should get your own car."

"What?" I laugh. "We don't have that kind of money, mom. You know it."

She breaks eye contact and rubs her hands on her thighs.

"I know, but I could pull some strings at work and-"

"No way! I don't want to be the reason why you're fired just because you want some extra cash." I interfire.

She sighs. "Of course it wouldn't be like that. I just thought that, since you're getting older and have more rensposibilities, a car would be nice."

"Yeah, when I'm thirty." I scoff. Call me cheap but I hate spending money. Especially when it's others spending it on me.

"So what? Am I gonna drive you around to places until then? C'mon.. don't be difficult, Eleanor."

"I'm not being difficult, I'm being realistic! And don't forget about public transports." I get up and start cleaning my desk facing away from her.

She sighs irritated "Ήθελα απλώς να βοηθήσω." And with that she leaves closing my bedroom door.

Translation: I just wanted to help.

Ugh, I hate when she does this. Just because I contridict what she says or wants, I'm the bad guy. It's not like I don't want a car, it's just that I'm the only one facing the facts. Ballet classes aren't the cheapest and having 3 pets is also expensive.

I don't want to be the reason we struggle in the future.


I woke up late today so I need to start on doing my homework, if I don't do it now, I'll never do it.

"EELLLEANORRR!!" Lily shouts from the bathroom.

"WHAT?" I yell back.

"CAN YOU BRING ME A TOWEL?" Ugh, she does this every time.

I grab my phone and call Finn making my way to the closet to grab a towel for Lily.

"Hey El." He picks up.

"Hi! Are you and Noah still going to tonight's party?" I open the bathroom door and throw the towel in there not even looking.

"Yeah, I think everyone's going except Liv."

"Oh, do you know why?" I give Milo and Daisy some food.

"Honestly, there's some past drama between Olive and shitface. The only reason why I'm going to her party is so I can get wasted."

"Don't you get wasted in every party?"

"Yeah, that's my point."

I laugh and grab a snack from the pantry.

"I'm also thinking on going, for the same reasons."

"Hard day?" He asks.

I sigh and we continue talking while I do some work.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now