I love vaginas

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Fucking Friday. I park my car in the school parking lot and close my eyes for a second, taking it all in.

Dylan really got detention. She's fucking weird.

I get out of the car and put the hood of the sweatshirt on my head. Walking into school I contemplate turning around and leaving already.

"Hey!" Liv appears next to me.

"Morning." I answer opening my locker.

"Cheerful, as usual." She laughs. "So, are you guys gonna go to that party?"

"What party?" Honestly kind of need one just so I could have an excuse to smoke.

It's not a usual thing I do, but definitely one when I want to get shit out of my head. Drinking doesn't really do anything to me so I found my escape in smoking.

It's not like I can use hockey as my coping mechanism.

"Did neither Jackie or Eleanor tell you? It's a college party. I'm not going but they are." We make our way to class meeting Dylan and Finn along the way.

Olive has never been a party type of girl. I like that about her, but what I really like is that she won't get mad if we're going without her.

"Would you believe what just happened?" Finn asks in shock mixed with anger.

"They really don't need to know-" Dylan starts talking but is soon interrupted by me.

"What happened?" She rolls her eyes at my question and huffs.

"El just got fucking cat called. In the school parking lot. At 8 a.m." Finn says shocked.

"It was no big deal. He's exaggerating it. Come on, let's get to class." She starts pushing me clearly not making me budge.

I hear her let out little curses and blaming it on my tall and hockey figure.

"Who the fuck cat called you?" I turn around grabbing her arm, making her look at me.

"First of all, it doesn't matter. Second of all, we're already late." She let's go of my grip on her and starts to walk away.

"Tell me who was it." Olive threatens Finn.


Me, Dylan and Olive sit down on our usual sits. I feel a hand going behind my head and suddenly Dylan takes out my hood.

"Are you that emo that you need to wear a hood on your head, first thing in the morning?" She starts to ruffle my hair so it stays messy and I have to hold in a groan.

Once she's done she goes back to her daydreaming and doodling during class.

Miss Tanaka heads towards us once she's done giving everyone work.

"Miss Ariti, is it true?"

"What?" Dumbass.

"That you got detention for cussing during class." Dylan's eyes go wide and she looks at me. I can only smirk at her reaction.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now