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I'm still figuring out there's more to life than him
I'm still exploring how to feel without his help
Each day brings me something I haven't felt before
Or at least haven't felt in a very long time

When a good friend comes and sits with me
And shares with me something he's loved forever
When I hear a laughter that makes my heart sing
Something so rare but so incredibly important to me

When she, who helped me figure myself out and
Who continues to help me every time I don't get it,
Opens her thoughts up to me and tells me everything
And I feel like I could trust her with my life itself

And when the one I've helped and loved for months,
Accompanies me on my every endeavor, big or small
And makes me laugh about anything and everything
Even when I planned to feel sad and sorry that day

And most of all, when there's you.

Sweet and wonderful you

Something about you has my attention in some way
Something that makes my heart beat faster again
A faint feeling that seeing you again tomorrow
Will be worth the risk of falling asleep tonight

The words you speak and the way you say them
You've got me locked in some kind of trance
It's a wonderful feeling, imagining falling for you
Learning to dance from someone who hasn't in years

Is it wrong to look at a friend and think to myself
That your favorite music would sound better to you
If you heard it while looking back into my eyes
And realizing the world pales in comparison to us

Your challenges hit my heart fiercer than you think
Yes, I will be the one who makes you laugh out loud
I want to make you foods you've never eaten before
And take you every place your heart wants to go

I'd be a lucky man to hear your soul's deepest rants
And letting all these things I never cared about
Fill up my thoughts and become my biggest concern
Because it's important to you, as you are to me

I want to fill our room with fireflies and pastries
I want you to know that I listened when you told me
Everything you never got to try and wish you could
And that it will be me who makes sure you get to

I find myself at a loss of words, you surprise me
Making me question in things I thought were sure.
Nothing is sure and I don't know myself anymore
Because red velvet tastes better when it's from you

I'm learning about me in a way I didn't know I could
And even though these fantasies aren't coming true
I find myself willfully spiriting myself into your arms
Because the thought of you makes me a better man

I don't mind the idea of staying how we are forever
I haven't felt this way about anything for so long
You're a pathway to growth, to understanding me
And I'm grateful you even thought to look my way

So the next time we speak, when you look at my eyes
And you see the reflections of millions of fireflies
Know that they flicker for you and you alone,
And that they glitter brightest when I'm with you

But most importantly, know that when they die

It won't be any more dark inside me


Just some things I wrote Where stories live. Discover now