August rain

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Hey, it's been 6 months now
6 months ago my world fell apart at the seams
And I haven't been the same since then
Not even a little bit

A lot can happen in 6 months.
You've moved on and found someone new 4 times, and this time she found you too
And I've never been happier for you

I'm still stuck here
6 months doesn't erase 2 years
No matter how much I want it to

And I'm getting better, definitely better
I've had eyes for a couple people myself
Even if they never last, it's nice to know I'm still capable of love

I still see you in everything I do
All the pictures I take of the sunset sky
Every song I listen to is about you
Your heartbeat rings in my ears when I'm crying from the stress of my life

I see less of you now, though.
Now the songs about love whisper his name and not yours
His gifts and his smile come to mind more often than yours nowadays
In my recommended suggestions, it tells me to send a message to him first, and you second

You're fading away, like the puddles of August rain that still make me miss you
The same rain I see myself dancing in with him
And the same rain that plays a metronome of hope among the despair I've felt so long

Your eyes look at me less
I don't hear from you so often
Everything's fading
Fading way too fast
What happened to the boy who begged me never to leave? The one who promised we'd get married and who planned out naming our kids?
He's been gone hasn't he?
For 6 months today.

We danced in your kitchen
We sang in your car
We ran away from the world and found solace in each other's arms

Those couches and those rugs and your car won't ever be the same
When you're with her in those same spots how could you think of anything but me?
And the anime we had playing in the background

November is fast approaching and for the first time in years the 22nd is just another day.
I'll be falling apart in the mess I made for myself and you'll be telling her how much you love her
The same way you've been telling me this week

I don't miss you, I don't want you back
Not anymore, but I miss what we had
I want to find it with someone else
But no one is dumb enough to desire this
This broken piece of whatever I used to be

I'm happy for you but I feel like
and I think I may be drowning
In that same August rain
I've got no umbrella for

Just some things I wrote Where stories live. Discover now