Not Stiles

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Scott had come to Stiles' place to watch a movie that night. He always thought that Stilinski's TV was better, so he invited himself over. But, he wasn't expecting to find what he did.

There was a note taped to the door. It read:

Scott, Kira, or Lydia,
Stop panicking please. Kira, get Scott. Lydia, I'm sorry. I miss you. I will always care about you. Scott, he's back. I had to go. Don't try to find me. It's already too late.

Stiles. And not Stiles.

He slammed his shoulder against the door and it fell to the floor. "Godammit." He searched the room for clues. "I can't do this myself." Scott pulled his phone from his pocket and called Lydia. Her voice filled his ears.

"Hey. It's Lydia. I'm not at the phone. Which means I'm probably ignoring you. Bye Bitch."

Scott hung up and called again, repeating that process five times until she called him back. "Lydia?"

"Yes?" Scott rummaged through Stiles' drawers.

"Was Stiles acting weird today? Did he have circles under his eyes? Bugs? Weird behavior? Low voice? No sleep?"

Lydia sounded flustered. "I uhm--" She hated crying. But thinking about Stiles made her burst into tears once more.

"Oh my god. What happened?"

"He told me to leave. For my own good. He hasn't been sleeping much. No bugs. He was weird earlier. Regular voice. And heavy bags." She coughed and turned her steering wheel. "What-what happened?"

"He's gone."

Lydia practically ran into a fence. Her heart was pounding, and she felt adrenaline rush through her body. "I'm coming. I'm coming right now." She swerved towards Stiles' place. "What happened? Has this happened before??"

Scott gulped. "Sadly, yes it has. Junior year. It was terrifying. He's not himself, Lydia. If you see him, stay away. Don't talk to him. Look away, and stay away. You hear me?"

She pulled into the apartment parking lot and clenched her teeth. "What happened to him? What does he do?"

"Get in here and I'll explain."

Lydia stopped at the door and held back tears at the sight of the note. "Oh my god. I have feelings." She opened the door and was overwhelmed with the smell of his cologne. Minty and fresh. Just how she liked it. "Scott?"

He walked out to her and they hugged, tight and afraid. "He's possessed, Lydia. He's VERY goddamn dangerous. He could kill you with a stare."

She shut her eyes tight, focusing on the voices. They were screaming, and she couldn't make out what they were saying. "Lydia? Are you alright?"

"I'm afraid, Scott. I just want Stiles."

"You like him, don't you?" Lydia opened her eyes and sighed.

Lydia knew she had to save Stilinski. Because there was no turning back now.

"Yes. I goddamn do."

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