Kira the Kitsune

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Kira the Kitsune. The vibrant little fox who sprits around the place giggling and smiling. Lydia loved her best friend for just that matter. She was never down in the dumps. Or at least she never showed anyone that side of her.

Strawberry awaited Stiles' arrival whilst Kira was playing with the tapestry that decorated his pillows. Kira saw Lyds out of the corner of her eye, frowning and fumbling with her nails. "Lydia. You shouldn't be so sad. It isn't like your new boy toy won't like me."

"That's the thing. He's not my new boy toy. We aren't even friends, I don't think. He's dorky and not my type." Kira almost laughs right in Lydia's face. "What?"

"Not your type? You should know that nobody has a type. You're just nervous about your feelings towards him." She jumps onto the couch with Lydia and hands her a pillow.

"Seriously? Right now?"

"You know it." Kira smacks Lydia across the face with a pillow and her hair makes a tornado.

"I'm getting you back for that!!" Strawberry tackles Kira and she laughs similar to how a kitten would laugh, if a kitten could laugh. "I bet you regret it!!" A bark sounds at the door and Lydia jumps up and swings it open.

Her heart almost stops. A beagle. The cutest puppy she had ever seen. And then Stiles. They had the same eyes and nose. And that just killed Lyds.

"Hey." Stiles stayed emotionless while Lydia stared at the dog.

"Oh my God!!!! That's the cutest FREAKING thing I have ever laid my eyes on!!!" She gently pulls the pup into her arms and a smile grows on Stiles' face. He was completely content watching this amazing young woman tickle this puppy's stomach. And he liked it that way.

"A puppy?!" Kira sprints up to meet Lydia.

"Yeah. A bea-" Stiles stops and looks at Kira. "Hello..."

Kira looks at Stiles and smiles, showing her brighter than white teeth. "I'm Kira. Lyd's BFF. I'm guessing you're Stiles. The boy Lydia met at the bar and is now living with temporarily until she finds another no good boyfriend who will take her for granted and then leave." Stiles' jaw drops.

"Lydia has a repeating habit of having these circumstances." Kira kisses the dog's forehead and Lydia bites her lip, trying not to yell at Kira again. "How long have you had this beagle?"

"Uh--a few months." Kira raises her eyebrow.

"This beagle seems to be precisely 30 days old. Which is one month. Not a few. So you're lying. And I smell it too." She bats her eyelashes.

"Kira." Lydia says behind her teeth, as she hugs the puppy tighter. "It's obviously Stiles' dog. Maybe he just forgot how long he has had the dog. Please try to be nice."

"Stiles. You're lucky I'm not gonna strangle you for sprinting up here--" Scott pops into the doorway and his eyes latch on Kira's. "Um. Hey."

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