More, More, and More.

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Dedicated to Cristina and Sophia and Zali. Because baes.


Lydia was the wind. And Stiles was a flower in a humid city. He rarely got to see her.

Stiles Stilinski was on prescription for depression, and Scott secretly took care of him. Scott never told Lydia because he wanted her safe, and he knew it would tear her heart out to see him so weak and sad. "Can Lydia come over tomorrow to watch Star Wars?"

He was currently staying at Scott's place, and Scott was forcing him to eat chicken noodle soup, the Dora kind. "I--uh asked her yesterday. She's busy." Of course Scott never asked her, but Stiles believed him.

"She's with another guy, isn't she?" Stiles chocolate eyes found Scott's brunette ones. Scott didn't respond, he just stood up and got a water for Stiles.

"Can you tell her that I bought her strawberries? I left them in our fridge," Stiles begged Scott.

Scott turned around to Stiles and rolled his eyes. "It's not your fridge anymore. Your staying here from now on." Stiles scoffed loudly.


Scott turned around and rolled his eyes. "You know you're sick right? Your a danger. You think you can just go back to how it was? It's your fault. You know that, right? I'm trying to keep Lydia safe. You should've just killed yourself."

The words came out so fast that they didn't register to Scott. "I'm sorry--I've got to go. I'll be back tomorrow."

It was late and Scott was heading over to Kira's to spend the night. The door slammed behind him and Stiles sat up, betrayed.

Lydia was watching The Notebook and tying to hold back tears. "Damn you, Ryan Gosling. You come back, unlike all of the losers I know." She was the least hysterical that night. Compared to what she was last night, this was nothing.


She heard an alarming sound coming from the left side of the apartment. She shut off the tv and tip toed towards where the sound had come from, and it happened again.

Dink. Dink.

Lydia was atheist, but she was now praying to any God out there that she was safe.


A small grey dot hit the window along with the sound. A rock.

She looked out the window to see a weak Stiles smiling and waving. He was throwing rocks, it was adorable.

Lydia covered her mouth; he looked even worse then he did during the train accident. She gestured for him to come up, and within minutes, the door swung open.

Strawberry collapsed into him, exploding with emotions. However, she didn't cry at all. She just smiled, feeling everything that was possible. Her heart was racing and her arms were wrapped around Stiles, tight.

"You came back."

Stiles almost kissed her, but decided that maybe it was a one time thing last time. So he just smiled and held her close.

"I also brought more strawberries."

Finding Strawberry~Stydia AUWhere stories live. Discover now