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Thanksgiving was a good holiday for Stiles Stilinski. He spent every Thanksgiving at Scott's house with Ms. McCall. Besides the ones he spent with his parents before his mom died. His dad took shifts on Thankshiving and Scott's mom never minded having Stiles over. She said it brought a little pep into the house.

And NOW, having Scott AND Lydia over for Thanksgiving dinner. What an awesome night. 2 great people over at his place eating turkey and mashed potatoes. Lovely.

Lydia came out of the bathroom and Stiles looked at her with a giant smile. "You. Look. Beautiful."

She was wearing a lavender dress with little green leaves and flowers decorating the bottom of the skirt. "Thank you." Her hair was twisted into a curly updo and she didn't bother doing much makeup. "Are you excited to meet your dad's new chick?"

"First of all, he's too old to have a 'chick', and second of all, I don't think I'm excited. I mean, nobody can replace my mom. And although I want my dad to be happy, it makes me upset that he thinks he can replace her." Lydia pulled him into a hug and he wrapped his arms over hers. "It's okay. I'll try to be happy for him."

"Maybe it's for the best."

There was a knock at the door and Lydia ran over to look through the peephole. Papa Stilinski stood with bags and so did a woman to his right. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and perfectly ringlet-ed hair. "It's your dad and his girlfriend!!"

She swung the door open.

Papa Stilinski smiled a calm smile. "Hey, Lydia. Haven't seen you in a long time."

She shrugged and laughed. "Yeah. It's great to see you again."

He gestured to his right. "This is Melissa."

Stiles ran over and hugged her. "Ms. McCall! I missed you!!" He pulled back. "Why are you here?!" He had a giant smile on his face and he was almost jumping out of joy.

There was a second of silence. And then Papa Stilinski spoke up.

"We're dating."

And just like that, Stiles' knees went weak and he fell into Lydia's arms, unconscious.


The house smelled like gravy and the windows were open, letting the smell of fresh pine drift in. He was wearing fancy dress pants and a plaid button up shirt. His dad ran up to him and picked him up. "It's Thanksgiving, Stiles! What a wonderful morning."

His dad set him down and ran to the fridge to grab Stiles a juice box. A woman was standing in the kitchen, mixing the cranberries together so that the taste would be just as fresh as Stiles' grandmother's were. Her eyes were navy blue and her hair was coal black, just like Stiles'. She had a gold dress on and an apron that said 'Beacon Hillls Puppy Shelter'.

She looked down at Stiles. "You look so handsome today! If you washed your face each morning, maybe you would be this charming every day." She laughed then sat Stiles up on the counter. She rubbed her hands on her apron and looked at him.

"Stiles, I must tell you that I am very thankful for you. You're someone who keeps me happy and reminds me why I'm here. You mean every piece of the world to me and I wouldn't trade you for anything. I can't wait to see you graduate, get married, have kids, and grow into an amazing man. I love you, little Stilinski."

She wrapped him in a hug and then handed him a spoon full of mashed fruits. "Try my jam?"


He woke up on the couch of their apartment, very disoriented. Ms. McCall rushed to his side and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. I thought that we had scared you to death."

Stiles stood up and fell back to the floor, extremely dizzy. Lydia helped him up and he ran to his room, trying not to let his sadness show.

Papa Stilinski apologized. "I'm sorry, I don't know why he's acting like this."

Lydia tilted her head. "Don't you think it's a little obvious? You guys told him some pretty severe news today. Out of the blue. I honestly don't blame him for feeling like he is."

The door opened and Scott walked in, with no Kira beside him. It was quiet for a second and then Scott just tilted his head. "Huh?"

Melissa slowly walked towards him. "I have some big news for you."

Scott furrowed his brows. "Is it bad?"

"More or less." Melissa exhaled. "Mr. Stilinski and I are dating."

Scott jumped onto his mom, full of joy. "FINALLY!!!!!!!"

Papa Stilinski shrugged. "He took that differently."

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