4 Miles

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Pieces of the puzzle were just now coming together, and Lydia was a fan of this 'actual real life relationship'. To be honest, she was really started to get tired of how her and Stiles hadn't even put a label on it yet. But just last month he was standing on train tracks and crushing bugs.

"Yeah, it's like an actual real life relationship," Stiles told Scott, picking Stuart up and twirling him  like ring-around-the-rosey.

Scott chuckled at Stuart's tongue hanging out of his little puppy mouth. "Well, that's good."

Stiles cradled Stuart, tickling his belly. "I know! I'm the luckiest idiot alive!" Scott smiled and nodded, approvingly. "Oh. I'm sorry. I keep forgetting to ask how you and Kira are!"

Scott sighed and shrugged, letting Stiles know that things weren't going the way they should have been. "We're on a break. We got in a big fight about how I still hadn't gotten over Jenny."

"Well, are you over Jenny?" Stiles said, putting Stuart down on the floor.

"Of course I'm over Jenny! Jenny sucks!"

Stuart scrambled to his doggy bowl and ate his lunch. "Alright. Well, you have to prove it to her. Girls love when you prove stuff to them."

"I think I'll tell her that I love her."

Stiles' eyes widened. He told Lydia that he loved her MONTHS ago. He thought that all relationships were like that. Stiles realized then that maybe it was just because his and Lydia's relationship was just that special.

"Wait, have you already told Lydia you love her?"

Every part of Stiles got tense and he felt his heart race. "Noooooo. No way."

Scott shrugged. "Oh. I just thought you had."

"Nope. Not me. Didn't say that. Never. Nuh huh."

There was a knock on the door and Scott opened the door to Stiles' apartment.

Lydia stood in the doorway soaking wet and freezing. "It's raining and I went on a walk."

Stiles ran over to the door and wrapped her in a hug. Lydia laughed. "Thank you for the hug, but a blanket would be better right now."

"Oh, right!"

Scott handed her a blanket and Stiles made her a cup of cocoa. "What exactly happened?"

Lydia made her way to the couch and sat with Stuart. "I walked 2 miles away and then, it started storming like crazy. I tried to get a taxi, but then I remembered, there aren't any taxis in Sacramento. So I tried to go buy a rain coat in Macy's. BUT I left my purse at home. Then I thought, 'why don't I just call Stiles? He can pick me up.' But I still had no purse. So I ran 2 miles home and now I'm 99% sure I have pneumonia."

Stiles brows furrowed and he looked extremely upset. "I'm so sorry! I should've known to look for you!"

Lydia shook her head, trying to control her shivers.
"It's alright. How would you have known? I'm really fine."

Covering Lydia's face in kisses, Stuart laid in Lydia's lap. Stiles handed Lydia hot cocoa and sat by her, rubbing her shoulders to keep her warm. "I just should have known."

Lydia put her head on his shoulder and Scott coughed, reminding them that he was in the room.

"What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?"

Stiles suddenly remembered that his dad was going to come over for Thanksgiving dinner. Along with his new girlfriend. He hadn't told Stiles who she was yet, but his dad said

'You are going to love her!"

Papa Stilinski and Stiles still weren't on the best of terms. But Stiles was really trying to not raise his voice as often. It was just hard for him since Papa Stilinski had been so irresponsible as a father for Stiles.

"Well, I meant to tell you this, Lydia. But my dad's coming over with his new girlfriend for Thanskigiving." He pivoted his body towards Scott. "You can come over. And so can Kira, if you two get on better terms."

Lydia smiled. "Stiles, I'm very proud of you. Having your dad over is a big deal."

"Trust me, I know."

Scott sighed and grabbed his coat. "Alright. I'll come over. And Kira will come over too. I'm gonna go win her back."

"Go get her, Scott!" Stiles and Lydia yelled at the same time.


Scott laughed and walked out of the door.

Lydia kissed Stiles and smiled.


Finding Strawberry~Stydia AUWhere stories live. Discover now