Chapter Twenty Five

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After the little intense moment I had, I decided it was only normal if I went back to my room. I wasn't in the mood of doing anything since I was still angry and sad and that's when it crossed my mind that, I could lift off a huge weight if I spoke with my mom about what had happened. The problem was, how was I going to reach her?

I googled her boss Owen Trumpet and luckily, I found two companies that were linked directly to him since he was a shareholder with a huge stake. I circled down those numbers and proceeded to call the first one. It rang for a few seconds before a guy answered the call.

"This is Ansel Jewel from Hit International. How may I help you?"

"Umm Hi! My name is Roy Agniholtri, a businessman from India. I wanted to speak with Mr. Owen Trumpet about some business we had started talks about." I had to palm my face with how obvious I sounded.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Trumpet isn't in today. But if it's urgent, I could give you the number of the office which might help you set up a meeting with him or any assistance they can provide." The guy, Ansel, answered.

"Is it by any chance Herbal Creamz?" I asked guessing with the second company I had noted down.

"Uh, yes. You know about it?" He asked me.

"Not really. I have their contacts from when we spoke first."

"Then I can assure you, if you call them, you'll be connected to Mr. Trumpet or his PA and all your needs will be catered to. I hope there is nothing else you need for now?" He was professional and polite.

"I think that will be great. Have a nice day at work."

"You too sir."

I nearly laughed if I wasn't too sad. Me trying to speak like Roy was fun, I made a mental note to do it when he was present as well. I bet he would go nuts!

I dialed the second number and it was connected in a second fraction.

"Hello, this is Herbal Creamz. Who am I speaking to and what should I help you with?"

"Hi, I'm Roy Agniholtri, a businessman from India. I had started talks with Mr. Trumpet and he said I should arrange an interview with his PA or secretary, something like that. I hope you can connect me with her." If it was the right place, I would get to her easier.

"You spoke with Mr. Trumpet directly before?!" The woman on the phone asked a bit puzzled.

"Kind of. He said I should arrange an interview and he would be of more help on what we were discussing. It was about a potential partnership." I tried to sound convincing and not get too into details to avoid any consequences later.

"Oh, that's right. I'll connect you to his PA Miss Girlfriend, I hope you'll have a good moment with her. She has been to India for years. Just give me a minute while I connect you two."

Yes, it was her. I was at the right place.

"That would be great. I'll wait."

There was then the ringing sound again before I heard her voice.

"This is Mr. Trumpet's PA. What may I help you with?"

"Mom! It's me."

"Aarush?! What the hell?!" I wasn't expecting her to sound pissed at me for doing that.

"What do you mean mom?"

"Hasn't your dad found you another one yet? I bet he has with how he was keen on chasing me away!" She was angry at dad, not me.

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