Chapter Twenty Eight

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Just like how my whole body was doing backflips, everyone in that courtroom was shocked. Roy kept shaking his head and saying no while touching Mureiya's shoulder telling him to do something but he said he couldn't. And I was glad he couldn't because I wanted to fight my battles on my own. Even if I had to test the deep end of the ocean.

The crowd went into a frenzy. The disapproval in their words was too loud that Hon. Emily Singh had to hit her gavel a couple of times. The silence was then maintained.

"Well, since you don't have anything to say, then it is clear that you knew what you did was wrong. And thinking back, you have been doing a lot of wrong things for the past years that your honest and so humble father had to chase you away. You knew you were doing bad things, and that's why you didn't want him involved."

"No, that's not true."

I found myself saying those words, and it was like the universe was telling me it was finally time to lay it bare. Before he said anything to distract me further, I shook away all the wrong things in my mind.

"Huh, what did you say?"

"Yes, you heard me right. What you just said is not true!" I answered him with zero fear in my eyes or my words.

"So you have something to say now!" He was clearly taken aback by my confidence.

"I've had many things to say since the moment you started asking your questions, but I had nothing to say about what you said earlier because it's what you think, and it's not the truth." I let it sink in before I spoke again. "Everybody is entitled to freedom of thinking and imagination. I can't stop you from thinking anything, and that's why I had nothing to say at that. I gave you the freedom of thinking whatever you thought was right, but it wasn't the truth. At least not my truth."

The whole courtroom gaped in awe. I didn't know if I was supposed to do that, but it felt like the right time to do so.

"And back to the freedom of thinking, if you believe what you said about me not being on good terms with my father and all, then why did you arrest him and put in heavy restrictions for a crime that is obviously mine, and the so honest and humble father has nothing to do about? And still thinking, why even go after him when who you want is me? The one you got in contact with, was me! Everything that happened between us, happened between you and me! I'm sorry if I'm getting this the wrong way, but I need answers, please! My Lord, can he reply to those questions?" I asked the judge who looked like she wasn't entirely sure about what she wanted to say to me.

"I mean; you are not entirely in a position of asking questions. But considering your rights as a defendant, you asked crucial questions which need answers. He can answer if he is sure of what he will say." The judge replied.

"I beg to differ My Lord. I already made my point, and that was all." Mr. Singhania said and started to go back to his seat.

I saw Mureiya making the clap sign to motion I did a good job. But I wasn't there to do a good job, not when my family was concerned, especially my father. I wanted to do a greater job that was near perfect, and that was what I was going to do.

"Actually My Lord, if I had a testimony to make, would I have been allowed to make it right now?" I asked the judge.

"A testimony shapes the case and helps to reach the verdict. You would be allowed."

"What if I wanted to testify by asking other people questions so it would be clear whether what I already said was true or not?" I asked her again.

"Other people like who?"

"Like Mr. Singhania!" I was sure of what I was saying.

The judge looked taken aback by that. She just looked at me like asking me if I was serious and I didn't even stir. I looked back determined.

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