Chapter Seven

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They were finished getting ready and they just sat at the bed looking at each other. Justin didn't know what to say and Julian couldn't find another word to say to him after dropping that bombshell.

"Okay. This is fucking awkward." Julian shot up and said that as he went to have a glass of water at the table which was in the room.

"I don't know what to say," Justin admitted.

"I thought you knew about it and that's why you were being cocky yesterday night. I thought Alysa told you about it."

"Well, duh! I didn't." Justin freaked out. "And speaking of Alysa, weren't you dating?"

"We've never dated. She was just using me to not get with Kenneth."

"So, wait... Alysa had given up about finding Anna and still was around you to refrain from Kenneth. That's a little bit sketchy." Justin told Julian.

"I know. But it's the truth." Julian was red with embarrassment.

"And why was she crying that time when we found her on her knees in your room?" Justin asked him but before he replied, the phone in the room went off.

"I think our car is ready," Julian said as he went to pick up the phone.

It was indeed a call from the reception to remind them of their booking and they wasted no time in there as they went downstairs and checked out before they left.

"Listen, Alysa had been having some mental health issues and that's why she needed me to be in her rescue whenever she wanted. I wasn't being a jerk because I felt like it. I was being a jerk because I had a lot of things to take care of and I was just a little me. Well, that's until when you showed up." Julian admitted.

"So, you mean to say that, that breakdown was due to her issues and not anything concerning you."

"Exactly," Julian affirmed.

They rode in silence for a few minutes before Justin spoke up.

"When did you find out?"

"When I was twelve."

"You know I don't need to ask all the questions, just fill me the gist," Justin said to him before he chuckled.

"I was used to go see the boys when they were at the beach. I didn't know why until one day when I was with Alysa and she helped me through all of it."

"So, it is true that you love Kenneth? Love like 'like like'?"

"Who told you that?" Julian was shocked about the information Justin had.

"Just tell me the truth, Julian!" Justin pleaded.


"Shit! Does anybody else know this?!"

"I thought my dad told you. But he and Kenneth are the only ones that know."

Justin was contemplating the answer he got but he couldn't say another word after that and so he remained quiet for the rest of the ride. Julian himself, didn't bother to say anymore.

The place was all packed up and ready to party. They proceeded to the entrance and as they pushed the doors open, the whole place went quiet and everybody turned to look their way. The headlights which also pointed at them didn't help.

Everybody was wow and aww. They looked hot. Beautiful. Marvelous. Charming. Attractive. Mouthwatering. Ravishing. And cute together.

Martin who had a black suit and Stacy who had a black pink dress were in front of them and they beckoned them over but soon the headlights stopped lighting at them. They turned around to see if they were stuck or something but God! They were lighting at four people that just walked in.

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