they say short people are more angry (hc)

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// i dunno what it's phrased as if the fic is made as a joke i feel like a boomer lmao
as a map creator i'll call them 'spoof fics' because spoof is like jokey tell me the real name please omg

TW// mentions of angsty stuff, nothing major, slight blood, nothings too angsty, mostly jokey

(takes place in season 8)

Grian stared out of his window, the sun shining brightly through the cracks. He was doing the daily thought process of 'what if i just changed this and that will happen differently?'. You know, the usual. Then, a peculiar thought crossed that innocent mind of his. "What if, now here me out, i punched the window?" Grian said out loud. Why, you ask? He just felt like it. You can't question how boatem's minds work anymore. Anyways, getting sidetracked. The thought of throwing his fist through the window and smashing it into tiny cracked pieces was such an overwhelming urge. He was aware he'd probably get injured, but what's the fun in not getting injured? I mean, it's not like he'd die or anything! He pulled himself on top of the window ledge of his starter base, staring at the window. Without hesitation, Grian lifted a fist up and smashed through the top window. A loud shatter swam through Boatem and the shards implanted themselves peacefully in his knuckles. Of course, it hurt. It would be weird if his bleeding hands didn't. And, wow- did he feel better about it. He kicked the bottom window and bounced out his starter base happily. He should start breaking windows more, that was oddly relaxing. Grian looked down at his hand again, parrot wings twitching. He shrugged, that was a problem for future Grian. He turned the corner to where the front of his house was (i have zero clue if i'm thinking about the right house or not lmao) and bounced over to the boatem pole in a chipper mood. "Hey guys!" He waved.
"Hey Gri-"
Grian paused awkwardly as the rest of boatem stared in some trance of panic. His head cocked over slightly, before realising the cause. "Oh! This! Yeah, i've found a new love for punching windows now." In some sort of "HE'S GONNA DIE! HELP HIM!" thought process, Mumbo wrapped Grian's hands gently with a bandage.
"Mumbo, calm down, it's just a scratch-"
"Grian i do not care, don't do that again." Mumbo was scolding him like a 5 year old. He certainly was small enough compared to the others to pass as one, but still.
"Yeah, why'd you punch the window anyway?" Impulse raised a brow (IVE ONLY SEEN GRIAN'S POV SORRY IF THEIR PERSONALITIES DONT FIT)
"Just, you know, feel good."
"Atleast find something else to punch." Pearl chimed in. "Like scar!"
Out of pure instinct, Grian flew a fist to scar, who naturally was right next to the boatem hole. Unexpectedly, he fell in and the other members fell into a fit of laughter as the message in chat popped up.

Yeah, that definitely was better.

A/N: woo first post how we feeling
this thought randomly crossed my mind and i thought it was funny so here you go
words (apparently people do this): 543 words

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