Trick or Threat (hc)

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bit of explaining to do,

as you could probably tell from last chapter and title of a previous one, yes, i am a hardcore eddsworld fan.
i was rewatching halloween and christmas specials they had made and remembered Trick or Threat and went "That would be a good fic idea!" So heres clowntrio (grian, mumbo and scar) with the song cus i need something to write

this is a good time to now request fics! no shipping/smut/anything that goes against boundaries

song fic i guess

Late at night, on Halloween
Tom and Edd were fast asleep

Grian and Mumbo sleep soundly in different rooms as the streets mingled with parents and kids out trick or treating. Despite the noise, they only stirred and didn't seem to wake.

While Matt watched TV, and ate some sweets
A little girl knocked, and said, "Trick or treat!"

Scar sits on the sofa with the TV on, playing Disney films while a bowl sat beside him and Jellie sat purring on his lap. He hummed to himself as a knocking rang through his ears. He twisted the nob and was awaited with a young girl with a hood - Scar assumed it was her costume - happily greeting him with "Trick or treat!"

Matt slammed the door and took a seat

The door slam shut from the devasted kid and Scar sat back on the sofa, patting his lap to greet Jellie back onto it.

But suddenly, she was on the screen

He turned the TV back on and instead of the mystical disney he was expecting, it was a static background with the same kid on the screen, this time with large wings protruding from their head and back and a white mask coating their eyes. The symbol ingraved on the mask resembled a nether portal with two corners cut off from the rest of it. The kid glowed a purpled aura.

Jellie, out of fear, jumped away and hid behind Scar, who was also confused and trembling.

The lights flickered, this wasn't a dream
She leapt at him and he screamed!

The lights flickered in a rapid pattern, which caused Scar to huddle closer to the blankets.
Without blinking, the kid jumped at him again, Scar responding in a terrified scream as everything turned to darkness.

Edd ran out to save Matt's life

Mumbo bolted awake at Scar's admittedly girly scream and sprinted out of his room.

Matt was gone...but now he had a knife!

He frantically looked around, yet found no Scar. Mumbo turned around to see Scar with dark, purple eyes grasping a knife in his hand.

Matt swung, and Edd fell to his knees
He looked at him and began to plead

Scar swung the knife to stab Mumbo as he lunged into a different direction. He tripped and ended up on his knees infront of a menacing Scar and Jellie with a knife and unsheathed claws respectively.

"What happened Matt? Have you gone insane?" Mumbo cried to him with fear ringing his voice. Scar's eyes flickered to their normal colour for a moment as he grasped his own cheeks. "I can't help it, Edd (Mumbo)! She's inside my brain!"
Matt plunged the knife right into Edd
But it hit Edd's lucky can instead

His eyes darkened once more and he stabbed mumbo. Mumbo braced himself to be shot with unbearable pain, yet when opening his eyes saw that the knife had been stabbed in a miniature redstone contraption he had made. He took the opportunity of a distracted and possessed Scar and snuck off.

Edd ran off found a place to hide

He slid to the closet and bunched himself into it, holding the door shut.

Matt couldn't find him even though he tried

Scar and Jellie searched around the small area in the house Mumbo could've hidden in, and yet somehow failed.

Edd felt like he was in the clear
Until he saw her eyes, and screamed in fear

Mumbo let out a sigh of relief as he turned his head and spotted the same kid Scar had encountered. They had an ominous glare to them, which led to Mumbo screaming in fear.

Matt rushed over and opened the door
And Edd jumped out with a furious roar

Scar heard the roar of fear and pretty much teleported to the closet. He abruptly opened the door yet before he could lift the knife up, a Mumbo with dark purpled eyes lunged at him, causing him to drop the knife in his grasp.

They both fought so savagely

Now weaponless, Scar got into a - rather pathetic - fist fight with Mumbo. Mumbo got a couple bruises across his face and shoulder and Scar ended with a bleeding nose. Luckily, nothing was broken or too badly injured.

That the little girl clapped her hands with glee

The watcher floated gleefully in the air, giggling at their dismay.

Tom burst in, they stopped in surprise

Grian opened the door with extra scruffy hair and pissed expression, which caused everyone to pause in shock.

"I'm trying to sleep! C'mon knock it off, guys!" Grian pretty much yowled with a tired voice.

She stared at Tom with an evil grin
But her powers had no effect on him

The watcher lifted up their mask and revealed many eyes that they stared at Grian with. Grian raised an eyebrow in confusion and a frustrated expression appeared on the kid's face.

So Tom kicked her out the door

Grian grappled the watcher by their hood and threw her out the house And said "Don't come back anymore!" He slammed the door and locked it, pressing himself against it for two moments with a tired sigh.

The curse on Matt and Edd was gone
So they both turned and looked at Tom

He re-entered the room to a Mumbo and a Scar profusely apologising to eachother and once they were done, turned to Grian, confused.

"Why couldn't she possess your mind?" Mumbo asked, very curiously.
Grian glared at the two with zero emotion and blinked, eyes glowing a bright, vibrant purple. More vibrant than the watcher's, and his voice rang out. "You can't possess something twice."


thats was alot of stuff oh my god

i feel like i have to specify stuff now
the thing possessing grian was the rift/entity, which was why it was brighter than the watcher magic
i made the watcher non-binary cause why not
evo happened, but yhs and watchers didnt
neither did LL or 3rdlife
they're basically just living in a house together
i was gonna post this on halloween but that was too far away so no.

my wrist kinda hurts now lol

word count: 1155 words

edit: just made small tweeks on the ending, didnt like how i wrote it

also i am becoming a zedaph enjoyer so do look out for me to make more oneshots about him

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