coping mechanism (hc/vent thingy)

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kind of a vent for myself?? i dunno i was thinking about my drawing coping mechanism and thought 'cool angst idea' so here's me putting all my pain and ideas onto poor little grian
headcanon grian likes drawing and painting it just fits him anyways

TW: self doubt i guess, i dunno
(set in season 7 (i know the most about it shh))

Grian flew gracefully down into his hobbit hole and out of pur anger- almost fury and rage- pulled out a draw of paper and a pencil. He gripped the pencil tightly on his hand and began sketching whatever he saw or whatever came into his mind.

He and Mumbo had gotten into some fight over something useless like redstone or whatever the fuck Mumbo was groaning about.

He crumpled the piece of paper, noticing how he disliked what he'd done with that and redrew it.

Grian had tried to make a comeback but he'd cut him of before Grian could retaliate. He was almost upset about this. Tears threatened his eyes and he aimlessly scribbled harder

He aggressively rubbed the eraser over the page and threw it to the side.

That fight felt like it went on forever before it left an angry Grian standing and staring the place where Mumbo had flew off, screaming something about being useless. Yeah, sure, spoon. He was determined he'd show him he had some worth.

Grian crumpled the paper again and added it to the ever growing pile.

He'd tried to talk to the other hermits and attempted to vent to them. Keyword, attempted. All the hermits were either offline, asleep, or busy. Grian didn't want to bother them like he did mumbo and decided to draw out whatever he wanted like usual.

Tears pricked his eyes again.

He glared at the paper, disappointed. He added that mistake into the infinite pile of other rejects.

Maybe- what if- what if Mumbo didn't want to talk to him again? All these thoughts racing his mind raged him to draw harder, faster and better. What if Mumbo had convinced the others he was just a bad person by now. Was that what he flew off for? To spread fake propaganda about him? What if that propaganda was true? Was he just a bad person? Did Mumbo know that and hate him for it?

He ripped the paper in half and crumpled it up.

Nothing seemed to look right. Maybe it was the watering eyes? The tiredness creeping into his brain? The constant thoughts?

Professor beaks (that's his name right???) squawk and flew to sit with him.

Brushing the birds soft feathers, he began drawing his feathered friend, before passing out tired and upset. His mind mingled with betrayal and guilt, and yet somehow he found a way to fall asleep.


His eyes blinked open with exhaustion as he looked over at his pile of crumpled paper. He really needed to clean that up. Nobody needed to know about his strange coping mechanism for when he was upset. Bundling it up in his arms, he went over to a spare chest and dropped it all in. He blinked over and back at his desk. A small piece of paper stayed next to where his head was that he was sure wasn't there before.

Grian picked it up and saw writing in that familiar style.

Hey Grian!
I wanted to apologise for earlier, i didn't mean to get mad
Nice art,


He let out a mix of a groan and a hum. Mumbo may have apologised, but that doesn't mean Grian was still as pissed at him. He crumpled the note up, ripping it into small, tiny pieces, and threw it with the other drawings. He flopped onto his bed and stared at the window, slowly drifting into sleep.



there ya go, i haven't done this in a while and i apologise
will try make more :thumbs up:
also don't worry bout me lmao

word count: 666 words (holy shit)

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