a ghostly smajor (esmp)

691 10 2

ive had this sitting in my notes for a good while now and thought i'd might aswell put some use into it

tw// character death, angsty stuff, platonic flower husbands

Jimmy dropped onto his knees in-front of the cyan-haired body in-front of him. His chest never slowly rose or dropped. It stayed completely still. Tears pricked painfully at his eyes like they were lava ripping through his skin. His sister, Lizzie, and her husband Joel stood from the sides. Upset, or course, but not as much as Jimmy. Scott was his (platonic) husband for god's sake! Why, why'd it had to be him?
He shot up from his bed trembling. Just a nightmare. That scene had been playing through and through the entire time after it happened. He glanced out the window as the sun rose. Little kids were slowly being allowed to play outside, lines formed on shops. A thriving empire, some would call it. (for the sake of it, only Scott's empire was destroyed and everyone else's are alright.) He took a peek at the wedding ring Scott gave him. Jimmy could only sigh. Tiredness had been picking at him piece by piece. He flopped back onto his bed and tried letting sleep draw him into whatever dream was gonna happened. It never happened, so he gave up and equipped an elytra, flying over to Rivendell to visit the grave. Even being in a - what? - 100km radius? Of Rivendell hurt Jimmy's soul. But it would be rude not to meet him once in a while. The grave was located just outside the door of Scott's secret meeting area where he kept his beautiful, glamorous antlers. The empire was in ruins now and plants had take over. Better than corruption, but that still didn't mean Scott was alive. Jimmy sat cross-legged in-front of the grave and dropped a freshly picked poppy he found on the way here. There was no way Scott was gonna come back. It had been 2 or 3 weeks since he died, and no matter how much time Jimmy spent there did he come back home. His tears were on the brink of spilling when he heard a cheery and familiar "Hello!" from behind him. No.. It couldn't, he was-. "Scott.?" Jimmy turned around to the owner of the voice. As suspected, yes, it was Scott who answered. But not the usual cold, sassy elf he'd grown to know, but a pasty, transparent of him, wearing a nice, bright blue flower crown and pure white eyes. They stared at eachother for a couple of seconds before Jimmy attempted to run into him. Well, unsurprisingly, Jimmy fell through Scott, who only tumbled and shivered because of that. "Uhh, are you..okay?" The new and improved happy elf titled his head.
"But.. Well- yes, i'm okay now. But you're.."
"Y...eah. Yeah.."
"Well that is obvious." It sounded like Scott alright- "Who are you?"
Jimmy stood up and stared at his husband with a confused look. "Scott, you know who i am. I am literally your husband."
"I had a husband?"
"You're joking with me."
Well, that is strange. Ghost would remember their past, right?
"What do you mean 'Hmm?'? I'm Jimmy, we're literally husbands!" He held his hand up and point and the ring, pointing towards the Ghost's hand at his own ring.
"Oh sweet!"
"Wait- wait,wait,wait,wait. If you don't remember me, the closest person in your life, do you remember anyone else?"
"Hmm, it's a bit blurry. I did recognise you but i guess not enough. I know there was a.. ginger was it? Yeah, ginger haired girl and this weird man with horns. I think i had a relation with the man but i don't know. And, a- no- two? Whatever, a couple brown haired girls. But that's it."
"Well, Scotty, we'll have to get your memory back. Wait, you don't have anywhere to stay, do you?"
He glanced at the ground and noticed the poppy Jimmy placed for him. Completely oblivious to what he asked, Scott picked it up and offered it to him. "Want this poppy?"
"That's not what I- Thats the poppy I just gave you!-" This was getting nowhere.

a/n: im not finishing this btw, if you wanna use this prompt, you can

also, 5 stories in less than 24 hours? i'm on a fucking roll!

word count: 741 words

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