design descriptions (headcanon)

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i need something to post and im bored so
i am working on something im just busy doing a dtiys on twitter (@kekankekoo) so stay tuned

Grian is a short, dirty blonde male with skin being on the paler side. His eyes are an almost black dark blue and has parrot wings colours red, yellow and blue from his head and back. He wears a wizard hat coloured like oxidising copper (similar to his starter base roof from season 9) and goggles either hanging from his neck, strapped to the brim or equipped. Under his dirty red, oversized sweater, is a long sleeved black shirt that is seen when his sleeves are rolled up. He has dark grey, baggy suspenders and massive, brown boots along with peacock like feathers sticking from the back to act as a tail.

Scott is a cyanette with bright blue eyes, denim jacket and a white, short-sleeved shit with a random heart on it. He wears denim jeans with this and white trainers with a rainbow trim. His ears have a slight elven point to them and his skin is more on the pinkish side. He's usually seen with a flower pin in his hair to match with Jimmy. He's around 6' yet is surrounded by so many tall people everyone assumes hes like 5'6. Scars usually litter his face and arms and a larger, more visible one runs over his nose.
Similar to 3rdl, cyanette, bright blue eyes yet paler skin. His has a large blue scarf that covers his mouth up to his nose and multiple belts on his shirt and trousers. He wears an almost suit (like the image but lighter) with white puffed up sleeves at the end. This is covered up by a bright blue and furry coat. His golden antlers act like a mask and his elf ears and changed to stag ears and a stag tail once its equipped. His wings have golden and white feathers and are VERY soft. Similar to grian, his trousers fold into big blue furry boots with a gold trim and ice sometimes freezes parts of his body up.

 Similar to grian, his trousers fold into big blue furry boots with a gold trim and ice sometimes freezes parts of his body up

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will update in the future :thumbs up:

edit: some of the more recent hermits/ccs i watch that i will add this to in the future


A blonde, well tanned ram hybrid. He adorns a brown sweater over lapping a black undershirt and navy shorts reaching down to his knees, making his blonde sheep legs visible. Zed has a long, slinky tail thats mega fluffy at the end, dark grey horns and indigo eyes. He's only an inch or two taller than grian.


Tango has golden hair, pale skin and dark red eyes. His hair is slicked back into a short mullet of sorts and he has sharp teeth and elf ears. He wears a red and grey striped hoodie with a dark grey vest over it, black trousers and grey boots, and has a lion like tail. When mega pissed, his hair will pretty much set ablaze and becomes an illusion of fire.

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