Deal With The Devil (HC)

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i did the evil au thing i promised

i might make an au i really love this au

TW// (i dont think there really is any? manipulation? idk)


set in season 7

He scurried through the darkness the night had enveloped him in, with only the occasional moon bouncing off his blonde hair. He was requested to arrive in a secret area, dressed in a certain superhero outfit, and he obliged. He was never told what the sudden message was for, but he didn't question it. He trusted the person.

Finally, he had made it to a cave buried in the side of a mountain. It looked natural from far away, but when coming in contact, it was more obviously manmade. He examined the cave and hesitantly stepped in. Spiders and bats crawled and hung from the ceiling. The cave was fairly wide, yet stopped at a dead end with no other branches off into other directions.

He examined the wall at the end of the cave with confusion. Was he meant to do something? Was there a button on the wall he had to press?

Suddenly, the ground from underneath him snapped open and he dropped into a water source of some sort. Glancing around, the room he fell in to seemed to be very cozy, as if it was a cottage. At the other end, presumably where the dead end would've been, was a table with two chairs beside the wall on either side. To the left, a fireplace and a living room with a cozy, warm colour, and to the right was a small kitchen with a seperate tiled floor.

"Ah, i see you got my message?" A deep, heavily british accent sounded from behind him. He got up out of the water, not even needing to turn around and see the other.
"I did, EX. what did you need me for?" His voice was equally british, and spoke to the EX like they'd been friends for years.
"Well, Zed, or in this case, Wormman, why don't you come take a seat with me?" He stepped in front of Zed - Wormman - and gestured to the table.
"That would be my pleasure."

EX sat down on one of the chairs. Zedaph, having trusted him while as Wormman, sat across from him. "So, why have you called me here?" He repeated.

"Good question, Wormman. I know we have been trying to stop evil and such, but i was wondering about doing something else. Take a break, if you so agree?"

"What type of break are we talking about?" He shifted in his seat.

"Well, you've been doing good for a long while. Why don't we do some evil deeds?"

Wormman blinked, not registering what EX was referring too. "Like some pranks? Harmless ones, of course."

"Not.. exactly." EX stood up, chair scratching the floor as it slid. He took off Zed's mask and began circling him. "You see, I wanted to go bad to evil ways. But i need someone to do that work for me, it'll be too obvious. So, I called you here to do this. Nobody would suspect a balll of sunshine, a goofball, a superhero, to do someone's evil, would they?"

Zed pushed the chair back. "I'm sorry, EX, but I just cant-" He was pushed back down in the chair. Before he could get back up, EX pushed a button which snapped restraints over him and obstructing his movement. "See, I knew you'd say that, which is why I have a plan B."

He struggled against the chair's barrier. "You really are a villain, huh? I thought you were becoming a hero!"

"Hush, now. I am becoming the hero. We'll both be heros if you help me. Zed, it's not me, it's them. They've made me out to be the bad guy. They're all the villains! Don't you see? We can stop Xisuma!"
"What makes you think i could trust you, you monster!" His voice snapped with venom.

"Well, Zedaph, that doesn't sound very heroey of you, does it? Come on, you can be the superhero. People will finally admire you! We can help eachother."

Zedaph glared at EX, considering his choices. He'd be admired. But, that would mean taking down his best friends. "What about Tango? And Impulse.. What would they think?" He murmured.

"They'd be admired. You wont be belittled. Everyone will look up to you." He pulled out a piece of parchment and revealed it to Zedaph along with a pen. "It'll all be yours."

Zedaph scanned the piece of paper and glanced up and EX. "What will you do if i decline?"

"Oh, nothing. All that will happen is that you'll drift away and be forgotten. You wouldn't want that, would you? Even to Tango and Impulse, you'll be irrelevant. So, what do you say? Deal?"

Zed glanced frantically in the room for any hope of getting out of this offer. He knew he didn't have a choice. EX's eyes glared with a red tint purposed for malicious intent. "I.." His voice trailed off. Looking down, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Time's ticking." His voice sent chills down Zed's spine.

After a few more moments of tense silence, Zed lifted his eyes up to glare at EX. "I can't. I'd rather die than cause my friends any pain."

Ex's eye twitched with frustration and he tucked the paper away. "Hmph. I thought you were a good enough friend to accept, a hero if you will. Guess i'll have to convince you in other ways." (i just thought about ob'nockshai and br'aad writing this holy shit)

Much to Zed's surprise, EX took off his mask, albino hair dropping over his one eye and an 'X' shaped scar tracing his nose bridge. He glared into Zed's eyes, an overwhelming feeling came over him (NOT SHIP no shipping here). He fell limp, being hypnotized. He felt his arm lift up to the pen and write something on it. The pen and paper vanished and Zed blinked back into reality. "What was that?!"

Ex put the helmet on and took a slide glance at him. "You accepted the deal, now you're in my control."

"WHAT?! I don't want to help you take over the server!" Zed shivered as a crawling feeling wounded up his neck. He winced and hovered his hand over the side of his neck. Ex didn't reply to that, only untying his restraints and pushing him up a water elevator.

It led up to just out the cave, having a secret redstone door and ejected him out. He stumbled up and went towards a nearby river. The moonlight shined on Zed's reflection, making his ram horns and ears visible. He traced his next and reflected it in the water. A glowing red tattoo lay where the feeling arised, resembling a visor that Ex and Xisuma wore. Noticing this, he covered it up with his left hand.

He leaned back, away from the river and stared at the horizon in distress, quickly sprinting home as fast as his sheep legs could take him. He landed in his cave with a tired thud, laying down and staring at the ceiling. "Did- did i just make a deal with the devil without knowing?" He thought out loud. Uh oh, he was in mad trouble now.


i love wormman and ex i hold them dearly

words count: 1249 words

edit: changed to season 7, wanted to make it more recent

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