blood for the blood god (hc)

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lmao i needed something to write and i really like dark gore and blood
sorry grian
tw// Blood, implied character death, mentions of YHS/Evo, alot of blood, too much of it, gore, way too much blood im going overboard, permadeath

(set season siixxx)


Grian was running. From what, you may ask? He heard a maniacal giggle ring from behind him chasing him. Yep, don't really have to explain, do i? Most hermits were asleep at this time, so they wouldn't know about Grian's endless loop of tripping, scrambling up and sprinting again as an undisclosed figure chased him, calling his name.

His legs started to numb the more he lost energy when running. The cold evening rubbed against his bones and his lungs were heaving for air. But he knew he couldn't stop. There was nothing - and i mean nothing - he could do at this very moment. He had jumped off his mansion and attempted to flap his wings, yet to no avail, they were too weak. He swiftly turned around a corner and ran into a cave in an attempt to hide. His 'tail' wrapped around his legs hesitantly in order to hide it.

"Grian~~!" That darned voice rang again. He stumbled into a corner and hid behind it in hopes to lose him, yet he was stuck with a dead-end of stone. He stared at the wall, heavily breathing. He had gotten so far, did it really have to end now? It was the end. Tears pricked at his eyes and a lump formed in his throat stopping him from crying out loud. His muscles relaxed. There really wasn't anything he could do. He felt a presence behind him and a whisper breathing into his ear.

"Found you~"

He hadn't been in the server long, and guess what?
He hoped nobody would miss him.
He hoped they didn't have to go through the sadness and pain he went through in Highschool and Evo. Knowing all his friends had died.

Atleast it never happened here.
Atleast he could die with some peace.

Before he could think about anything else, a sharp pain rinsed his entire body and his spine shivered.
The sword was ripped out of his frail back and crimson splattered all over the cave walls.

The stranger went into his back once again, higher up this time, so Grian could die quicker. Well, thats what he assumed. Tears flooded his eyes as he dropped to his knees with a sad smile. Red blood formed a lake around him, the warm liquid dripping peacefully from his mouth and stained his red sweater somehow redder.

He softly fell onto the cold stone with blood seeping all around him and staining the parts that laid on the ground.

He looked behind him at the figure in the darkness, already failing with his blurring vision.

The murderer walked away and Grian let death take it's toll and claim him.

[Grian was slain by (REDACTED)]


warned tou id make blood

word count: 504 words

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