Time Travel Trickery Trouble (HC)

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im becoming a bit of a zedaph fan so i though 'what if science zedaph was just a master with portals' and now hes a time traveller/dimension hopper
i also provided a tbh creature version of zedaph so you understand his design
(set in season 8, inspired by a Jayfeather map, 'The man on the moon')

Zedaph was in his testing chamber, fiddling with something that was propped up onto a table. He readjusted his goggles and examined the gem at his side. He was going to figure this out, one way or another. And even if that meant being jumped by Phantoms every night that was a risk he was going to take.

What point did this have to anyone? There wasn't one. Zedaph had just come across these and decided to put something together. He was scribbling rough blueprints for and contraption to hold this weird crystal and let his plan work.

And finally, he had succeeded.

Zedaph had created a contraption that could operate as a communicator, a time travel device, and a dimension hopper. It was like a normal communicator, strapped to his dominant wrist and opened up like a laptop, but smaller and more portable. But he had added small additions to hold the crystal and a program to open the portals.

Now, the testing phase.

It went as smoothly as he could've went. The portal hopping was similar to how end portals and the nether worked, so the small nausea didn't bug him. The 'Time' portal, as he so dubbed it, was a blue and pink hue with occasional purple swirls and the 'Hopper' portal was a gold and green portal that swirled more violently than the time one. And, oh boy, Zed could pull SO MANY pranks with this thing. Not only did he mess with time and space entirely, but he now had access to everyones, and i mean EVERYONES, secrets!

Not that he'd use it for anything bad. In fact, he wanted to use it for good.

But, on a different angle, none of the other hermits knew about it!

Needless to say, he was really tempted to pull a prank on someone with this.

I have zero clue on what im gonna do with this im just rolling with it lmao


It had been weeks of altering and testing his contraption, and Zed had felt like he'd mastered using it. With a mischievous glint to his eyes, he took to the skies (AAAAAAAAAA) and landed in boatem waiting for someone to mess with. And, oh boy.


Mumbo turned to Zed confused at his change of voice as he walked up to the other. "Uh, yeah?"
"Wanna see a cool trick?"

Mumbo blinked and cocked his head. "Strange, but okay?"

Zed pretty much snapped his fingers and a portal appeared underneath him and pulled him in. Before he plummeted into the strange vortex, he grabbed Mumbo's sleeve and dragged him down with him

Mumbo screamed as he landed on his back in a completely weird yet familiar world. He turned over and stood up to see Zed had gotten through perfectly fine. He looked around frantically and Zed fiddled with his communicator. This was when Mumbo noticed it was altered.

"ZED?! Zed, oh god what have you done- where are we?!"

"Hmph, it's not meant to do that."


"Oh yeah."

They stood in an awkward silence for a couple of moments as they- or just Mumbo- examined the terrain. Zed was still fiddling with his device as he tried to stop Mumbo from wondering off from the trees and bushes they were in.

Zed cleared his throat and closed it again. "Welp, Mumbo, my friend, we're gonna have to bunker down somewhere temporarily while i fix this issue."

Mumbo had a confused and panicked expression. "WHAT ISSUE?! Oh god Zed what happened!?"

"Well i may have possibly broken time and space and well...

Welcome to Hermitcraft season 6?"

Mumbo blinked at him confused. How on earth did this goat man invent time travel AND dimension hopping?! "What?"

"You heard me. Anyway, we aren't back in time where everyone is here. This is just the abandoned version after we hopped to Season 7. So don't worry about being caught."

"Im still so confused."

"I'll explain on the way to my pyramid base, i have to work on fixing this."

Long story short, Zed somehow managed to glitch out the 'Hopper' portal and was now fixing the gem back at his base while Mumbo sat there in silence. He'd often pipe up and interrupt the concentration silence with random questions on how he even did it and Zed usually responded with an either affirmative or negative hum.

Mumbo sat messing with some redstone provided in Zed's chests while Zed was working. Before anything else happened. Zed piped up happily as the chair squeaked back. "Have you finally fixed it?"

"Yes, now, stop being impatient and lets get out of here. We've been gone for hours and Xisuma is bound to be mad at us."
Zed grabbed Mumbo by the collar in a jokingly threatening manner while being dead serious. "Please don't tell anyone about this. I wanna scare more people with this."

Mumbo nodded in acknowledgement and they teleported back. Mumbo was rubbing his temples on the soft grass as he brutally fell onto it and Zed gave a smooth landing. When Zed had helped Mumbo up and they dusted themselves off, the looked around at the confused boatem members staring directly at them.

"Ah, well, i've made a mistake, haven't I?"

Zed, in shame, explained everything to the boatem members and the six agreed never to talm about this again. The   other person on the server who found our was Tango, but that made sense as him, Zed and Impulse were an inseparable trio. The three went on fun trips through dimensions and Zed noted down everything he found. With no side effects at all! Heh, yeah? Right? ... Right..?

Yeah, right.



here are some of the ideas for it and references and stuff

The idea of this oneshot was 'the rift' from Centaurworld and this warriors map

the time portal was heavily inspired by this (also a warriors map)

the time portal was heavily inspired by this (also a warriors map)

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and yeah thats it

might make another part to this, but for now

bu bye!

word count: 1070 words

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