leporiphobia (hc/yhs)

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A/N: mhm it's a yhs backstory fic thing because yhs is a fun series and i like angst

TW// blood, trauma, fluff, angst, y'know y'know , cursing, mentions of samgladiator
(set in season 7)

Leporiphobia. The fear of rabbits.

This phobia was a sweet little secret Grian stored in the back of his mind, past trauma was something he never liked to discuss with anyone body, let alone the hermits. Last season was his first season on Hermitcraft. It was his very first impression with most of the members. Mumbo was an exception. He'd known Mumbo before hand. But, either way, nobody knew of his strange fear and the backstory behind it. And, being completely honest, Grian liked it that way.

Well, like they say, all good things come to an end eventually. Well, I phrased that a bit too dark. But, you get the point.

Mumbo had invited Grian for a chill day where they could relax and take their minds off projects and wars. Just like the good friends they were. They chatted about random things on their mind that had no purpose of the current moment. Friends. No catches, no murders, and no manipulations. Just two good friends, Grian had silently wished it was the same way as in the high school, but that was in the past. Besides, he couldn't come in the server, right?

The hill they sat on was shaded by a large oak tree with vines coating almost every surface. Critters of different kinds bounced through grass and flowers peacefully. Grian spoke up.
"You know, we should do this way more often, i've missed this."
"Yeah, me too. We should arrange a picnic or something, yeah?"
"Oh, of course!"
"Mhm! And look at that, it seems to like you!"
His head tilted slightly as short, soft fur brushed the skin on his hand. He looked down at what caused it. A small, white bunny stared back at Grian. All the memories he tried to avoid came flashing back like 50 lightning strikes at once. The murders, the stabbing, the school, the dressing-up-as-taurtis. All that came rushing back to him in less than a second and almost immediately he yelped and jumped back closer to Mumbo, shrinking from the rabbit. (don't ship them i swear)
Mumbo stared at him, highly confused. "Wah-? Grian- calm down, it's just an innocent white rabbit!" He chuckled under his
breathe, not noticing Grian shaking. He sighed and picked the rabbit up. "See, look!" Holding it up to Grian he shrunk further back, leaning too far and collapsing onto the fresh grass.
"Dude, just trust me. Pet it!" Grian leaned slightly closer, shaking, and touched it's fur. "See? Wasn't that bad!"

Oh, how oblivious that mustached-man was.

~wooo timeskip yayayayayayya~

Grian had arrived back at his hobbit hole after that was still a bit shaken up. Mumbo did notice but passed it off as he was just chilly, which Grian preferred. He glared at himself in the mirror, almost guilty and paranoid. That memory. That specific fucking memory. Flashing and replaying in his head like a broken record player.

It played in his fucking nightmares.

'Gree-on!' My name in that peculiar way was called. I cringed. Next thing he knows when I walk up to him, Taurtis has a gaping stab wound and in the others hand was a blood stained knife. I hurried over to Taurtis and supported him along with Ellen. Yuki and Sam giggled manically as we headed to my bus. I was so glad to leave this hellhole. Taurtis insisted he drove the bus as we took him to the hospital, I declined, for his safety and my own. But, like he did, he drove it anyway. Everything went by so quick. I remember the crash so well..
I told Sam what happened and he handed me Taurtis' clothes. He somehow managed to convince himself I was his friend that he brutally stabbed. He- He went mad! He...

Grian hadn't noticed the uncontrollable shaking and tears that poured rapidly from his dark blue eyes. A quiet sob escaped his mouth and a strong paranoia twisted his insides as if he couldn't breath. Speaking of breathing, it was uneven and rough. His legs almost gave way under him and ended up curled in the corner of his bathroom sobbing. Tears stained the sleeves of his signature red jumper and wear he placed his face on his knees. But his question was, why? Why now was he panicked? He's safe here, right? ..Right?
The sound of fireworks that sounded outside his hobbit hole made Grian panic even more. Was that Sam? Was he finally here to kill him? End him for the last time? He almost hoped and was a bit disappointed when it was Mumbo who knocked on the bathroom door.
"Grian? Grian! I know you're in there! Are you alright? I heard sobbing.."
He coughed. "Uhh, well.. yes? Yes! I'm alright...!" His voiced trailed off in an awkward and nervous chuckle and his throat was raspy. He was being so obvious.
Mumbo unlocked the door anyway and leaned down to hug Grian. His parrot wings relaxed from their defensive position and gave into the hug. It was nice to have someone to hold.
Finally, they broke up, Mumbo kneeling down at him. "Do you.. wanna talk about it?"
He stared directly into his eyes for a moment, he stared back.
"Well, it all started in high school...."

A/N: ooo, two posts in one day AND angst?????? i'm popping off rn, my friends would be proud if they were hermitcraft and grian fans
word count: 944 words

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