hello, old friend (hc/evo/yhs)

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yes, an eddsworld quote, how classic of me

anyways, rift anyone? hullo?

//CW: Minor injury, fluff, something something idk, does sam count as a trigger?
(takes place in season 9)

Grian had just attempted Mumbo's vault again. He also miserably failed doing so. He had tried to glitch in the 'door' by flying straight into it and injured himself pretty bad. And turns out, it wasn't even the vault! Maybe Mumbo wasn't the spoon-
But that's besides the point.

He was returning from a quick grind trip to get some copper to add to his base. Grian chirped and bounced across the bridge to his rock, appropriately named 'dwayne'. Yet, something he didn't notice was that annoying one block hole he thought was a good idea to put in the middle of the bridge. So he fell in, again. Nothing new.

He expected to die like the first time he came down here but again, survived. He aggressively flicked his wings and lashed his tail in an attempt to stop hitting the ground. He came crashing down with a large thud and a yelp, one side of his head dripping slightly with blood and causing him to squeeze one eye closed. Staggering up, Grian approached 'The Rift' and placed his hand against the cold texture of it. It was oddly, soothing.

The first time he had fallen, something in his brain clicked, and it made him feel comforted. Like this rift was his closest friend and they'd known each other for years. His eyes shown with an unusual purple flicker before turning back into those dark blue - almost void-like - eyes of his that everyone knew.

Suddenly, from the portal, erupted a loud CRACK and Grian jumped back a bit. His wings lifted themselves from their relax position and confusion and fear flooded his eyes. A blinding purpled light rose up from the rift which cause Grian to instinctively pull up his arm to cover his eyes. The light slowly faded but as soon as he lifted his arm down he got tackled. Wait- tackled? Was there an enemy- or a creature? His eyes blinked open as he met the familiar face of...


He instantly wrapped his arms around his old friend, crying happy tears. That dark hair, those black suspenders, the headphones. It was almost like he'd gone 3 years into the past. Taurtis didn't change!

"Grian! I've missed you so much! I didn't know you were in that weird rift thingy- how have you been?"

They picked themselves up, Grian's tail wagging happily like a dog. "I've been great! I've made new friends, but don't make that think i've forgotten about you! I just- Augh, there's so much i wanna say! How about you? How have you been? How's Evo?"

"Everyone in Evo is doing alright! And so have i. It's been a bit lonely after those 'Watchers' took you, but i've got Martyn and the others to talk to. Pearl recently disappeared though, i don't know where she's gone."

"Well, i think there's something i should show you, you up for a tour?"

"Is that even a question? I'd love too!"

Grian grabbed Taurtis' hand and dragged him out from the cave happily, like a pair of teenagers exploring a theme park. It was almost like they were kids again. They've missed this. Lucky Grian made an extra exit, Taurtis didn't exactly have a pair of elytra, let alone wings.

They took a cheerful tour around the server, greeting him to hermits and teaching him about builds and red stone contraptions - or what he thought they did atleast. That's when The arrived at a particular hermit's base. "Who's base is this, Grian?"

"Well, you know how you said Pearl disappeared?"

"Yeah- wait, don't tell me she's.."

Grian knocked on the door and Pearl responded by opening it. "Hey Grian, what do you- TAURTIS?"

The three awkwardly exchanged glances. "Pearl? We thought you were taken! Just like Grian!"

"No, don't worry- I'm fine. I just- How did you even get here??"

"Well, i was just chilling at spawn, and this weird portal appeared outta nowhere and i just decided to jump in and boom! I was face to face with Grian!" He gestured to the shortest of them.

"Hmm, weird."

The three chat for a few more moments before Taurtis and Grian went back to Dwayne. They were inside the living room, watching HunterXHunter on the TV like good old times. This time without the trauma. (the house is canonically decorated for lore purposes) That was when Grian's pocket buzzed and caused him to abruptly look at it.

You see, something i didn't mention his communicator did was say [Taurtis joined the game]. And, funny story, another message popped up in chat that heavily startled both.

[Samgladiator joined the game]


A/N: i dunno if there'll be a sequel to this. Most likely not but there's a chance i will since YHS brain rot going wild rn
also, do you guys want me to do more than just hermitcraft? like empires or something?

kekan, out
word count: 847 words

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