mandatory warriors au (xorn + scott)

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again, something that's just been sitting in my notes for a while and i need a use for it

yes i'm a warrior cats fan, sue me

Scott - Icecatcher (warrior, next deputy)
Xornoth - Redvine (warrior)
Violetstar - leader
Swiftpaw - Scott's app
Goldenpaw - Xornoth's app
Crowsmite - Deputy
Jimmy - Codtalon (warrior, scott's platonic mate)

The cold wind of the mountains flew Icecatchers soft, grey fur. He sat and closed his eyes, taking in the surrounding area around him. "Icecatcher! Hey!" A darker grey, more on the reddish, warmer side, came padding up to his brother. "What are you doing? Come on, it's time for the apprentice ceremony!" They both pad up to the entrance to the cave, chatting to themselves. "Who do you think Swiftkit's mentor will be? And Goldenkit's?"
"I don't know, i hope it's us! We've been warriors for long enough, we'll be capable."
"You really think so?"
"Of course!"
Their conversation cut off there as the meeting was called. "Goldenkit, step forward. I, Violetstar, leader of Thawclan, think it's time for you to become an apprentice. From now until you get your warrior name, you shall be known as Goldenpaw. Your mentor will be Redvine."
She bounded up to him and touched noses and sat together.
"Swiftkit, step forward. I, Violetstar, leader of thawclan, think it's time you became an apprentice. From now until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Swiftpaw. Your mentor will be..." She scanned the warriors in the crowd. "Icecatcher."
His fur felt like he was in the middle of a forest fire, he didn't expect this! Either way he touched noses with his new apprentice and sat beside him. "Clan dismissed."
"Icecatcher, this is great! We can train the apprentices together!"
He watched as Redvine padded away with his own apprentice and Icecatcher's. A different tom came from behind him. This tom had a beige tabby and short fur and long legs, although being smaller then Icecatcher. "Icecatcher! Well done on the new apprentice. I wish i had one so we could train them together."
"You'll get your chance, Codtalon. There are plenty of more kits in the nursery. How about we go out for a walk?"
"Sure thing!"

word count: 372 words

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