Ranchers Reunite (dl/emp)

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i got this idea from a tumblr post and a tweet where they talk about rancherduo's death and being cursed and i really wanted to do a crossover fic from it.

i miss rancherduo so much and it hasn't been a full day yet

TW: // character death, mentions of fires, blood (not that much, just a nosebleed)


Tango had ventured up the hillside near the "Relation" Ship, admiring the pathway leading up to it. The creeper explosion scars glowed a dark red to represent what life he was on, accompanied by his red eyes and elf ears. He had barely got up to the steps before he felt a tug on the heart string that connected him and his soulmate, Jimmy. He grasped his heart where the string lay. Another massive tug. Tango hastily devoured a piece of bread in hopes to heal them both up and held his shield towards anything in front of him warily.

He prayed Jimmy would eat, shouting at nobody but himself. Then, he heard one last tug, and a loud snap. The string and been cut in half, and the other end was slowly engulfed in dead grey. Blood started dripping from his nose and drops stain the grass underneath. Is this really how it would end?

The string was now enveloped and Tango fell to his knees, tears threatening to spill. He yowled one last "No!" before collapsing on the cold path and vanishing into a cloud of particles, leaving nothing but his materials and food he had on him. Everything had gone dark.

woop time skip kinda not really idk this is just after this happened

At some point in time after him a Jimmy's death, Tango had slowly blinked open his eyes and noticed he was floating in an endless void. Everywhere he looked, it was the same shade of the darkest black anyone could possibly imagine. He tossed himself around and attempted to swim in any direction to find a way out, yet it seemed like he barely moving at all.

There was truly no hope in there for Tango, he resulted rethinking about everything that happened with Jimmy.

They met from an explosion Tango died from. He let out a small chuckle and traced the scar on his face from that very moment. It was awkward, but they didn't seem to be upset at each other.

He thought about building the ranch, making jokes and realising neither of them were good at building. They tried and succeeded - in their eyes - to make a decent house.

And when they struggle to get goat horns? Perfect moment. Though, it was upsetting when nobody would respond to them.

Ah, now comes the bad moments. Scar burning the Ranch down. He'll never forgive him for that. And the others for killing their warden! Pretty much their child! Tango was already brewing up a new plan if they ever come across each other again. Very unlikely consider Tango's circumstance, but he's gotta be 5 steps ahead.

The good times, Tango was truly going to miss them.

Alone with his thoughts, in an endless abyss, with no sign of life. Was he even alive? His scars and eyes were greyed out so he assumed that meant he was dead.


"You're still there?" A small voice, almost a whisper, had called out to him. It caught Tango off guard and look around for anyone- anything. But no. Did he recognise it? He doesn't think so.

It called again. "Go home." It sounded stern, serious. Like a command. But how was he supposed to fulfill that command? He couldn't go anywhere, could he?

Finally, it rang out louder this time.


Suddenly, the void started shaking, like an earthquake had erupted and he was going to die. A crack appeared, blinding Tango with bright, white light to contrast the void. He covered his eyes with his arm and lowered it slight as the light grew bigger. And stopped. Tango dropped his arm and swam toward it. The voice repeated it again. Over and over. "Go. Go. Go." Overlapping each other. He looked around wildly, growing a determined face and placing his hand again the white.

The crack grew larger and engulfed the void with the bright light. Tango silently screamed as it blinded him, and everything went silent.

He blinked again. Was that all some joke? Was he in the void again. Bright, warm sun landed on top of him. It was nice, warm and golden, compared to the cold, deep void. He covered his eyes once more, grunting as he slowly sat up. Looking around, Tango noticed he had appeared in a mesa. Mountains upon mountains traced with terracotta and red sand. The bright sun rounding their edges with no clouds to interrupt.

He scrambled on his feet and glanced around. Why was he in a mesa, of all biomes? Was there even life here? Guess he'd find out!

Tango followed ravines and gaps in the mountains through the mesa, aimlessly wandering the dusty biome. Another voice called out. "Hey!"

"Oh, for goodness sake, i thought i-" He turned around to the sound of the voice to see a blonde man equipped with western attire.
"And who may you be?" The man's voice was laced with a country accent.
In Tango's eyes, he felt familiar. Like Jimmy, but their could've been so many people who looked like him. "Well, uh, I'm Tango. I kinda just appeared and I don't know where to go."

The stranger let out his hand for Tango to grab. A shine appeared in his eyes and the threatening posture he had softened.
"Well, pal, why don't you come with me? You can stay with me for a while."

He took the hand. "Wait but you didn't even say what your-" He was cut off from the familiar man dragging him towards a clearing. It had very few building but consisted of a wagon and bar, similar to western towns.

"You can get yourself settled in with me until you find your way home Tango. I don't do this for other people, y'know."

"Well, sir, that's very nice of you. But can I at least ask for your name-?"

The man cut him off again. "I'm Jimmy. Nice to meet you again, Tango"

Tango felt his eyes prick with tears as he jumped towards Jimmy and grasped him in a hug. He returned the favour. Maybe this is what the void meant.

Was this home? Where the void told him to go?


BOOM happy ending

remember when i said id post something after posting that in the a/n? I LIED! i found no motivation to finish it and therefore deleted it

anyway rancherduo with happy ending they're okay

word count: 1140 words

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