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Serenity Jeon

It's been days since Seungkwan and I went on a date. After he replied to my message, we didn't chat afterwards. I didn't bother to look after him since I was also busy with my own business.

I'm in the middle of signing some papers when someone knocks on my door. I looked up and saw Mage open my door.


"Miss, someone is looking for you," she said.

My ears perk up. I looked at my wrist watch and my schedule to check if I had any appointments, only to find out I'm free for these 2 hours.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Boo Seungkwan. Do you know him? He's looking for you."

I was taken aback when I heard his name.

Seungkwan is here. Why didn't he give me a call to visit? Why is he here?

I took a moment for a sec and spoke.
"Oh, Seungkwan. I know him. Let him in."

Mage nodded her head and went out of my office. A familiar figure went inside my office. Surprisingly, it was really Seungkwan.

Even though he wears a cap to cover his face and a sweater to cover his nice build, I somehow recognize him.

My face lit up in surprise and delight. I comfortably leaned into my chair and gave him a quirky smile.

"Oh, Seungkwan! You're here!" I teased.

His face went red but still gave me a judgy look. Seungkwan stared at me for a moment and chuckled.

"Hi, Serenity," he said in a different tone. It was someone deep yet soft. Just like the last time in the parking lot.

My eyebrows raised as I found it... Strange? I blink a couple of times and smile at him.

"Have a seat, Seungkwan," I said, motioning for him to take a seat on the chair in front of me.

Seungkwan obeyed. As soon as he sat down, I noticed he seemed to be tense. I even saw Adam's apple moving as he gulped.

"Are you alright? You seem edgy today," I said, standing up. "Want a glass of water?"

Seungkwan looked at me but quickly looked away. "Yeah, a glass of water will do." He stutters.

I wanted to ask him what happened, but I just shut my mouth. I went to the corner of my room, where there is a water dispenser. I grabbed one and filled the glass with water.

I went back to Seungkwan and gave him the glass. He took it politely and drank it instantly.

"You alright? You seem edgy." I said, slightly leaning against my wooden table.

He sighs and places the glass on the coffee table. Seungkwan took off his cap, showing his black hair, and scratched his nape.

I bite my lower lips as I find him sexy in his new hair colour. But I quickly went back to reality when he spoke.

"Um, Serenity, I'll be straight forward since I won't be here for long," he muttered.

I nodded my head for him to continue.

"I hope you don't really mind. Can I ask a favour?"

My eyebrows arch as I look at him, and he also stares at me. I wanted to know why he's asking, but he seems to be in trouble. So I didn't bother to question him.

"Sure...?" I said with uncertainty.

He closed his eyes and pursed his lips. Seungkwan wanted to say something, but he's holding himself back from saying it.

With a heavy sigh, he opened his eyes and stared right into my eyes.

"Can we make it out?"

My eyes widen in surprise, but I quickly turn into a frown while staring at him. I don't expect him to say that.

Seungkwan's face was now as red as tomatoes, and he was biting his lip so hard.

"I'm sorry. Can you say it again?"

"Y-You heard me."

"These days, I'm slightly getting attracted to ladies. That's why I'm here to ask for your favour to make out with me. A-Ara said I can trust you with that stuff." He said quickly, but I managed to understand him.

I stood still. A portion of me felt happy that he was attracted to ladies, which means I have a chance, but the other half felt worried now that he can get other ladies than me.

"This is bullshit," he burst out and stood up from his seat, which caused me to snap back from my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't take advantage of your kindness." he said hastily and bowed his head, which caught me off guard.

"You took care of me last time, now I'm a jerk for asking you to make out with me." He hissed and angrily put his cap back.

Seungkwan looked at me, feeling sorry, and looked away. "I'm really sorry, Serenity."

He's cute and gentlemanly. I may not like the outcome of this situation, but I'll just fuck that if that happens.

"Boo Seungkwan." I coldly said, making him stop his track right in front of my door.

Seungkwan turned his back to face me. I walk towards him with my bold aura engulfing me.

I saw him gulp, making his Adam's apple move. I stop right in front of him, with just a small gap between us.

Seungkwan was taller than me, but thanks to my 5 inch stilettos, I can face him without looking up, making my neck hurt.

"Why did you walk away, babe?" I smiled innocently and slightly caressed his cheeks.

He looks away to avoid my gaze, but I grab his cheeks and force him to look at me. I smiled as my fingers went down to Adam's apple to lightly touch it.

His face went red once again, and he gulped his own saliva.

"I didn't reject you, but I didn't also say yes." I giggled in a flirtatious way.

"But I'm glad you're sober now."

Without thinking twice, I grab the collar of his sweater to pull his face closer to mine and kiss his soft and delectable lips. Seungkwan didn't move at first, but he quickly caught up with my flow.

As our lips connected to each other, I felt his hand on my waist, which pulled me closer to his body. I also wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.

Nibbling, sucking, and savouring each other's lips as if there's no tomorrow. Even though we're breathless, Seungkwan seems to like it even more. I accidentally pushed him against the door as I started to get drunk from his kisses.

I felt it once again. The heat could lead us somewhere.

I pulled away from him, making the both of us catch our breath. I chuckled as I saw that his lips now had red stains from my lipstick, with a few smudges in their corners.

I chuckled at the sight and erased the smudges by fondling my fingers. His lips are soft—too bad I can't taste them again.

"I'm sorry for the smudges; I wasn't prepared for the impromptu make-out," I joked as I tried to wipe the stain out.

Fortunately, my lipstick was easy to remove. So there are no traces of lipstick stains on Seungkwan's lips anymore.

"I kissed you. I even made out with you. Now that I've done that, what are you going to do now?" I asked.

That's why he came here in the first place. To make it out, then that's it. He just came here to clarify his feelings, his gender.

My pride is badly hurt right now, but since I like him, I'll let this slide. Of course, I would never tell him about that.

"Thank you for granting my favour, Serenity. I'm sorry for disturbing you," he said, leaving me dumbfounded.

That's it?


Sorry for the typos and grammatical erros.

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