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Third Person Point of View

Suengkwan was surprise seeing her. Her cold yet stern face sends shiver to his spine. He doesn't know how she knows the location, but thats not important right now.  She look absolutely mad and seems to be fed up, suddenly felt nervouse not because of his blackmailer, but because of her. However, he got curious and wanted to know the truth.

But if she did, what will he do?

"Get your hands off him," She demamds loudly that echos the warehouse, eyeing the two men holding Seungkwan tightly.

The two men remain unfazed and still held on Seungkwan. Serenity rolled her eyes at them and let out an annoyed sigh. "Release or I'll shoot your damn head."

Still, the two men remain unmove but subtly gazed to their boss— Mr. Park, waiting for his signal. Mr. Park,  who is now tense and intimidated by the numbers of her men, seems unable to move and almost shit his pants.

Serenity who's patience wearing thin, made a nodded her head once. With that, one of her men points the gun on the two men and shoots their leg. Both of them cussed loudly and bent down to cover the leg where their blood flows on the floor.

Seungkwan took the oppurtunity to get away from their grip and runs away from them with his knees trembles in fear as he sees a lot of blood.

"That's the last warning." Serenity spoke coldly, slowly walking towards them— to Mr. Park's direction and stops right in front of him.

Nobody moves from their place, only staring at her waiting for her next move. She stared at him with cold face and did not think twice to lift her hands, slaps his face so hard making a painfully loud noise that Mr. Park stumbles back.

"How dare you threaten him," She hissed and chuckles darkly. "Well then, say good bye to your hands later."

"This will be the last time meeting each other." She said and walk away while she give his men another signal to get him, including his accomplice.

The moment Serenity's secretary told her about Mr. Parks agenda, she was annoyed thinking he would stop pestering Seungkwan but she was wrong. They made a team to monitor his activity, and caught him easily. Chopping his finger was not enough, and so she thought she'll put him to jail and get someone do the deed for her.

Mad and irritated, her gazed went to look for him. Her stern and cold face went soft as she saw him standing from afar and notice his pale face and trembling hands. She sighs and approach him.

Seungkwan stares at her as she walks toward her. He suddenly went numb and umable to speak at the moment. His mind has a lot question and just witness another side of Serenity. It somehow overwhelms his mental.

Just then, she grabs both of his trembling hands that made him look at her. Both of them remain silent. Serenity looks at her man, obviously traumatized to what happen today. She knew their relationship is now slowly getting falling apart.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked softly and look at him with warily.

Seungkwan blink his eyes couple of times and look down, trying to pull his self together. "I-I'm okay..." He answered shakily.

"You must be truamatized with what happen today, I'm sorry." She apologize and did not know what to say anymore.

Serenity waited for his response to asked about anything but he still remain silent. She let out a sigh and nodded her head in understanding that he doesn't want to talk to her for now.

"Come. Let's get you home," Serenity spoke gently and tug his hand to go, but she stops her track as Seungkwan held to my hand tightly.

Serenity look at him to know whats wrong. He seems bothered and hesitant. She subtly sighs and rubs her thumb against his hand, to give a little comfort.

"You have a lot of question in your head?" She said and gave him a small smile as he nodded his head innocently.

"Lets talk inside your car," Serenity said, dragging him oitside to his car and enter the passenger seat.

The air inside Seungkwan's car felt heavy and stuffy. Both of them got silent as they waited who will speak up first, until he decides to break the silence.

"I don't really know what should I say," Seungkwan started, clearing his throat as he stared down at his now calmed hands, also got the courage to speak.

"You said let's not keep secrets anymore. I'm willing to tell you all my secrets now. If you may, I want to know your secrets, I want to know about you more. All about you." he uttered, slowly stared at her sincerely.

Serenity look at him with unease before a sigh escapes to her lips. "My world is dirty and full of crimes, Boo. Even I'm a lawyer with principles and morals, I still have flaws and greed. I don't mean to keep this a secret. Having knowledge about them would danger you,"

Seungkwan somehow understand her now. He seen a lot movies and novels about having knowledge would surely dangers him. But then he thought, if he don't have knowledge about them, how can he help her in some other ways?

She is his partner, her boyfriend and signigicant other. Its his right to know and be involve with her.

He just realize how deeply he got attach with her. This felt new to Seungkwan, but the desire to be with her was strong. He never felt strong connection with anyone, but for her, he can do anything. Heck, would protect her even she can do it by herself.

'If being with her would kill me, then I'll die happily.'

With deep sigh and eagerness, Seungkwan grabs her hand and held on it tightly, looking at directly at her eyes with sincerity and longingness.

"I'm willing to put my life in danger for you, Serenity. Let me be part of your life now," he said eagerly with deep voice.

Without being said, Seungkwan cups her cheeks and claims her lips softly. Her knees went weak yet her lips says otherwise.

Wrapping her arms around his neck to seal the kiss deeper and passionate. Nibbling and sucking each other's lips 'til both of them run out of air and pulling away, pressing their forehead to head other.

Serenity felt estatic with Seungkwan. But she's worried for him. Her dirty and mischief world would bring no good to him. However, she will do everything to just to be with him.

She sound selfish but all she was Seungkwan. She never wish somethimg big before, now tgat he is with her, she want him. All of him.

Maybe, being selfish is not bad at all.


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