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Jeon Serenity

A loud alarm wakes me up and causes me to stir in my bed. I annoyingly grab my phone and quickly turn it off.

It's 10 am in the morning. I don't really have plans for today since it's all my day off.

I was about to fall back to sleep when my phone rang. I looked at the caller's id to know what it was but it was unknown.

With a grunt, I swipe the button up to answer. "Hello?" I said I was trying to be formal somehow.

"Oh yes, hello. Is this Miss Jeon Serenity?" Unfamiliar male voice asked.

"This is her, speaking. What can I do for you?"

"Great, this is Lee Hyunmin. One of the legal advisers of Pledis Entertainment. We invite you to come to our office as soon as possible."

My eyebrow cock is confused. "For what reason if I may ask?"

Pledis... I think that is Seungkwan's entertainment. I saw his ID with that label before.

"For legal rights authorization. You are recommended by another company to work with us regarding this stuff. So can you come here for lunch? If that is okay with you, miss Jeon?"

Oh... I thought something was wrong. For some reason, it made my heart calm and relieved for an uncertain reason. I realised I'm worrying about nothing.

"Oh. But today is my day off. Can that be moved tomorrow?" I asked politely.

"Sorry miss, but the company needs you A.S.A.P. since this is related to law. The company will pay for your service right away at a high price."

As soon as I heard cash, I abruptly stood up from my bed and almost stumbled on the floor as I ran to my bathroom with my phone in my ear.

"Okay, I'll be there after lunch or so."

"Thank you miss Jeon. Please give me a call if you're here. I'll wait for you at the company's lobby." The he ended the call.

Damn. This should be worth it after our transaction. I sighed and brushed my messy hair and stared at the mirror where I could see my half body's reflection.

My eyes had dark eyebags, my face had some blemishes and the rest of my appearance was nasty. I'm thinking of pampering myself but I guess I'll do it after the transaction with Pledis.

I jump in the shower and strip my nightgown off. I did my stuff and jumped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body.

I went to my closet and stared at my clothes for a sec. Few moments later I decided to wear a pencil skirt, a tight long sleeve and pair it with stiletto heels. I also went to my vanity near me to brush my hair and applied some makeup to look presentable.

Feeling satisfied with myself, I grabbed my purse and car keys and went to my car.

Few hours later, I'm finally at the HYDE building with a full stomach. I got hungry on my way here, so I eat somewhere to fill my stomach.

I'm somehow clueless what is happening that makes me suspicious. Or am I just paranoid? Yeah. That must be it.

Mr. Lee was there the moment I stepped inside the building. We quickly jump into business which surprise and amuse me.

They must be in a hurry to do this.

They gave me a briefing on what is happening and what I should do. But goodness, I didn't know this has to do a lot of work. We discussed money related stuff and rights. I don't really have to do anything but I have to listen as their witness and to authorise their agenda. Maybe I pulled some strings to sort things out easier.

It took us 4 hours straight to sort their things out. It was tiring at the same time, it was too much to digest what they're saying.

Gosh. I really need to pamper myself.

"Thank you for coming and favouring us to sort these things Ms. Jeon." The CEO of the pledis- mr. Han said and pulled his hand out to shake hands with me.

I gladly took it and gave it a handshake. "It's my job to help you and I hope I can ask favours from you too. Han," I said and pulled my hands.

He smiled and nodded his head. "Of course! You help us to make things easier. No wonder they recommend you to us." He chuckled and fixed his neck tie.

Ah. So they knew I accepted bribes and favours. Well, as long as they negotiate with me very well and I can ask favours from them, everything will be fine. Or else I would totally expose their shit.

I gave mr. Han gave me a cheap smile and bowed my head a little as a sign of respect.

"I'll go now, mr. Han. It's nice working with you." I said.

"Okay. Let my secretary accompany you." He said.

I quickly shook my head and smiled a little. "It's okay mr. Han. I can handle myself. Though I'm thirsty, can I know where the cafeteria of this building is?"

I'm thirsty as fuck. They didn't provide me with water , which I don't mind because I thought I'd be quick to deal with their business. Their ac was in high temperature that made my throat dry.

"Oh it's on the 3rd floor. The building has its own cafe. You can buy some beverages there." Mr. Han answered, which I'm thankful for.

"Thank you mr. Han. I'll be going now. See you around."

I walked away and went to the elevator. I followed what mr. Han just instructed and waited for a minute. The moment the elevator's door opened, the aroma of coffee and bread filled my nose. I stepped out of the elevator and followed the scent.

My eyes wandered in surprise and awe as I saw their beautiful view from their glass window. There is a small cafe-like stall in the centre of this floor and there's a lot of chairs and tables occupied by some staff and teens.

As my thirst got stronger, I didn't hesitate to walk towards the counter where there was a girl standing behind it.

"Good afternoon! What can I get you?" She asked.

My eyes went to their menu board and a specific type of beverage caught my attention.

"I'd like to have cold peach black tea please." I chirped.

I paid for my drinks and waited for it to be done. It didn't take a while as they soon gave it to me with a straw in it.

I grabbed my drink and sat near the glass window where I could see the Han river from afar.

Somehow, I finally felt peace with my inner self. The view made me feel better.

As I was facing the glass window and peacefully gazing at the river, suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jolted, which caused my drinks to spill a little.

"Oh no! I'm sorry! I didn't know you had drinks in your hand." A familiar guy said.

I look up on him and squint my eyes. I think I saw him...

Oh! He is Seungkwan's friend. But instead of platinum blonde hair, he now has black hair.

What was his name again?

"Oh. Hello, it's you..." I smiled awkwardly trying to say his name.

He chuckled softly, making his eyes disappear. "You don't remember me? We met last night!"

I scratched my head and awkwardly smiled at him. "I'm sorry I forgot. Who are you again? I'm sorry! But I'm Serenity."

He stopped chuckling, making his eyes visible this time and gave me a small smile.

"I know you. I can't forget you."

"I'm Hoshi."



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