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Boo Seungkwan

I don't know what Serenity did after the incident with Minhee, but I'm glad that she's not showing up randomly these days.

Though remembering what happen that day, I witness how scary Serenity could be. Not that I mind, rather I'm amaze and proud I'm dating such a strong woman.

However, there is an uncertain feeling keeps be bothering. The journalist who blackmails me has been silent for 2 months now and Minhee who I didn't see for weeks. I felt somethings is going on that I can't pin point.

I have no scheduled work today so I decided to stay at the dorm alone, enjoy the little rest time I have while watching some movies in the living room. Serenity would like to join me but she has work at her firm that she can't make an excuse to ditch it. Silly her.

As I enjoying my alone time, my phone suddenly buzzed a notification. I quickly check on to see something important.

My heart almost leap out my body and beats faster. Fear suddenly wash over me. I jolted when I recieve a message from my blackmailer.

'How sure your girlfriend is sane? Meet me at X now. If not, I'll destroy her and your career.'

I immedietely called the number and gnaw my lips as I suddenly got nervous without knowing why I should meet this journalist. He ghosted me for two months and now message me out of nowhere.

I drop my phone harshly on the couch and messed my hair in frustration when he didn't pick up the call.

I wondered why he calls me all of the sudden and ruin my peace. I grab my phone and stared at his last message, then notice his text that he is not asking for money.

What his deal now?

Whatever. I have to go now before anything bad will happen.

Rushing towards my room, I change into sweats and hoodie with my cap on. Since I'm all alone, I grab the car keys and went down to the parking lot to drive my own car.

I check the address he sents me and realize I wasn't familiar with the place. I search it up and it was located near the outskirt of the city.

Feeling skeptical and anxious with the location, I still decided to go for it. Maybe this is also the time to stop all his blackmails and man up.

Driving to the given location, my phone rings which I glance down to see who was calling. With my free hand, I answered her call and put it on the speaker.

"Hello, Baby. You called," I said, trying not to stutter and show any anxiousness I felt right now.

"Hey Boo, just checking on you." She said softly. "Are you resting well right now?"

My throat went dry and I felt a hard lump in my throat as I gulp my own saliva.

as I gulp of my own saliva, guilty that I'm about to lie to her.

I'm sorry Baby. Just for today.

"Yeah. I'm resting well." I lied.

"How about you, hows your work?" I said, diverting the topic.

"Stressed." She simple answered. "Someone lied to me and the other one is being stubborn." Serenity said coldly with a deep sigh.

I bit my lips as I got guilty for lying to her too.

"They must have reason why they lie," I mutter, not really sure what to tell.

"For sure," she just said. "Oh well. I have to go now. I'll see you later, okay?"

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